

Survey on the PSP and DSP Contamination in the Shellfish Form Different Coastal Areas in Hainan Island

【作者】 胡蓉

【导师】 江天久;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 环境科学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 近年来海南岛海域赤潮频发,因食用贝类而引起的麻痹性贝毒(paralytic shellfishpoisoning,PSP)和腹泻性贝毒(diarrhetic shellfish poisoning,DSP)中毒事件时有发生,严重制约海南岛滨海旅游业和水产养殖业的发展并威胁人类的健康。为此,本研究于2010年冬季至2011年秋季间,在海南岛的文昌、澄迈、洋浦、陵水等5个海域采集了14种95份贝类样品,进行PSP和DSP检测,旨在获取PSP和DSP在海南岛沿海海域的分布特征。主要研究结果如下:1、海南岛海域PSP的污染状况①海南岛沿海海域贝类中PSP的含量较低,最高检出毒力值为3.576Mu/g,检出率为11.58%。②海南岛沿海海域贝类中PSP的季节变化非常明显,以冬季最高,秋季次之,其他两季均未检出PSP。③海南岛沿海海域贝类中PSP的地理分布较广,除澄迈海域没有检出,文昌、洋浦等沿海贝类中均有PSP检出,其中陵水沿海海域贝类中PSP的检出率最高。④海南岛海域贝类中PSP的主要富集种为细纹卵蛤、织纹螺、翡翠贻贝和栉江珧。⑤共检出11种PSP成分,主要成分有GTX1、GTX4、C1、C2,高毒力值的NEO和STX含量较少,其它毒素成分如deGTX3,deGTX2,GTX3,GTX2和dcSTX的含量也十分低。2、海南岛海域DSP的污染状况①海南岛海域贝类中的DSP检出率和超标率均比较高,分别达到46.32%和33.68%。在超标的贝类样品中,最高毒力值达0.2Mu/g。②海南岛海域贝类中DSP的污染状况在冬季最为严重,检出率和超标率均达到56.25%,夏季贝类中的DSP污染最小,贝类中DSP含量无超标情况。③海南岛海域贝类中DSP的分布范围较为广泛,在各个采样点均有检出,就地域分布而言,海南岛东、南部海域贝类中DSP的污染状况较西、北部严重。④此次在海南岛海域共调查了14种贝类,其中有11种贝类中检测出含有DSP,分别是裂纹格特蛤、华贵栉孔扇贝、魁蚶、栉江珧、方斑东风螺、波纹巴非蛤、文蛤、衣紫蛤、织纹螺、近江牡蛎和翡翠贻贝,其中污染状况较为严重有栉江珧、裂纹格特蛤、近江牡蛎、华贵栉孔扇贝和魁蚶。在此调查研究的基础上,本论文设计了海南岛沿海海域的贝毒监测和管理方案,为相关部门在贝类赤潮毒素管理方面提供理论参考。

【Abstract】 The red tides broke out frequently and the seafood poisoning cases of paralytic shellfishpoisoning (PSP) and diarrhetic shellfish poisoning (DSP) caused by edible shellfish oftenoccured in the area around Hainan island, which restrict the development of seaside tourism andaquaculture and threaten human health. To understand the pattern and toxin profiles of PSP andDSP in the coastal waters of Hainan island, an investigation was carried out and fourteenshellfish species and95shellfish samples were collected in the sea areas of Wenchang,Chengmai, Yangpu, Lingshui and Dongfang from the winter of2010to the spring of2011. Themain results are as follows:1, Contaminated characteristics of PSP in Hainan island and its adjacent sea areas①The risk of PSP toxins pollution was lower in Hainan island and its adjacent sea areas,the maximum content of PSP was3.576Mu/g, the positive rates of PSP was11.58%.②Thepositive rates of PSP showed a markedly seasonal differentiation,the rates reached the highest inwinter,took second place in autumn,and there was no positive case in other two seasons.③Thegeographical distribution of PSP was widely spread, PSP was detected in many sea areas exceptthe adjacent sea areas of Chengmai, the maximum positive rate of PSP was in the adjacent seaareas of Lingshui.④The shellfish species that were subjected to accumulate PSP included Pitarstriata、 Nassarius coronatus、 Perna viridis and Atrina pectinata.⑤There were elevencomponents of PSP in the samples, GTX1、GTX4、C1and C2were the principal profiles,the highpotency toxins (NEO and STX) had a low proportion, the content of other toxins such asdeGTX3,deGTX2,GTX3,GTX2and dcSTX was also very low.2, Contaminated characteristics of DSP in Hainan island and its adjacent sea areas①The risk of DSP toxins pollution were higher in Hainan island and its adjacent sea areas,and the positive rate and over-standard rate of DSP were46.32%and33.68%out of the totalsamples respectively, the maximum content of DSP is0.2Mu/g.②The pollution of DSP in winteris the most serious, both the positive rate and the over-standard rate of samples were reached56.25%, and the lowest in summer, there was no over-standard case in this season.③Thegeographical distribution of DSP was widely spread, the pollution of DSP in the east and southof Hainan island was more serious than the west and north.④There were14shellfish species inthis investigation,the species that were subjected to contaminate DSP included Marcia hiantina、Chlamys nobilis、Scapharca broughtoni、Atrina pectinata、Babylonia areolata、Paphia undulate、 Meretrix meretrix、Psammotaena togata、Nassarius coronatus、Crassostrea rivularis and Pernaviridis, among these species, the most susceptible species were Atrina pectinata、Marciahiantina、Crassostrea rivularis、Chlamys nobilis and Scapharca broughtoni.on the basis of the investigation, the biotoxin monitoring and management program in thearea of Hainan island and its adjacent sea area was proposed, in order to mitigate the risk ofshellfish toxins.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

