

The Road of Online Video News

【作者】 林晨

【导师】 陈伟军;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 新闻学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 现阶段,在媒介融合大背景下,在WEB2.0技术基础上,网络视频新闻作为新兴产物出现并且得到一定程度的发展。2006年被称为我国网络视频新闻的元年,各家网络媒体纷纷成立视频新闻栏目,一时之间百花齐放。经过几年发展,目前网络视频新闻的发展逐渐呈现放缓态势,总体表现为节目内容同质化,盈利状况不容乐观,竞争力不强等。究其原因,本文认为,目前多数网络视频新闻的实质仍旧是电视台等传统媒体新闻内容的网络版本,节目内容不再进行编辑和整合便加以播放,视频新闻在表现形式上缺乏真正的突破。本文试在引入西方的公民新闻概念,用以探索能否在网络视频新闻发展的渠道上进行新的选择,做出依托网络媒介产出的真正独具特色的网络视频新闻,让视频新闻在保持新闻性的基础上具有广泛的群众参与性和增加互动性,同时,针对盈利不佳的状况进行分析,提出一些具有可行性的盈利方案,本文以国内具有代表性的新浪视频新闻节目为例分析现状,并以公民新闻的成功案例为参考,提出针对网络视频新闻的可行的渠道选择方案,本文的研究对于助推网络视频新闻向新的高度发展具有一定参考价值。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, in the background of media mergence, online video news whichbased on technology in WEB2.0comes out as a new product and develops to a certainextent. As we all know, various online media set up their own video news columns ofa sudden flourishing in2006which is known as the first year of China’s developmentof online video news. After several years of development, presently, the pace of thedevelopment of online video news slows down gradually, and the program isbecoming similar in content, reducing in profit, weak in competitiveness and so on.The reason that results in the above phenomenon, from my point of view, is that atpresent, the essence of most online video news is still the online version of traditionalmedia such as television news’ content. Additionally, the online video news ispresented to audience without editing and integrating the content, so it formally lacksthe true breakthrough in the performance. The paper tries to introduce the concept ofcitizen journalism to explore whether we can have a new attempt according to thedevelopment of online video news, and then make a kind of real and unique onlinevideo news relying on online media, and after that, the online video news will have awide range of audience to participate and interact while it still has its news foundation.In the meantime, the paper attempts to come up with a feasible and profitable plan bymeans of the analysis of the situation that online video news doesn’t profit a lotrecently. The paper will analyze the present situation by taking the Sina online videonews as a representative example, and then put forward some feasible plans for onlinevideo news’ development by referring to some successful cases of citizen journalism.All in all, the study in this paper has certain reference value in taking online videonews’ development to a new level.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期

