

The Comparison between the Original Version and the Simplified Version of Oliver Twist from the Perspective of Grammatical Metaphor

【作者】 吕文萍

【导师】 李国庆;

【作者基本信息】 暨南大学 , 系统功能语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 早在古希腊时期,亚里士多德和柏拉图学派就开始了对于隐喻的研究。到了20世纪六十年代,西方学术界又掀起一股新的研究热潮。当代隐喻理论粗略划分成非构建主义和建构主义两大阵营(见奥托尼1979)。而以上对隐喻学的研究还都是局限在词汇层面。系统功能语言学的建立者韩礼德最初提出了语法隐喻的概念。他认为研究意义表达的不同变体不应只从词汇层面,而应从词汇语法层面。语法隐喻包括词汇隐喻。韩礼德将语法隐喻分为概念语法隐喻和人际语法隐喻两类。本文将以韩礼德德语法隐喻为理论框架,从概念语法隐喻和人际语法隐喻两个方面对《雾都孤儿》的原著和简写本进行对比研究。虽然文学作品的原著和简写本之间有很多不同之处,但是在基本意义的表达上,简写本始终应该“忠实”于原著。那么在一部小说的原著和简写本对照中,我们必然会发现所代表意义不同的变体的存在,一个是语法隐喻,一个是其相对应的一致式。本文研究目的是分析语法隐喻被大量运用于原著,而一致式更多地出现在简写本的原因,说明语法隐喻和一致式在不同文本中的不同作用及在英语学习中的启示。

【Abstract】 The study of metaphor was initially discussed by Aristotelians and Platonists in ancientGreek and a new upsurge was pushed forward by western scholars in1960s. In contemporarytheories of metaphor, there are mainly two schools, namely non-constructivism andconstructivism (see Ortony1979). However, all the studies above on metaphor are limited onlexical level. The theoretical concept of grammatical metaphor is first put forward by M.A.K.Halliday, the founder of systemic-functional grammar. He proposes that we should look atvariations in the expression of meanings not only on lexical level but also on lexicogramaticallevel. Grammatical metaphor includes the lexical metaphor. He also classifies grammaticalmetaphor into two kinds: ideational metaphor and interpersonal metaphor.This thesis will be based on Halliday’s theory of grammatical metaphor to make acomparative analysis of the original version and simplified version of Oliver Twist from theperspective of ideational and interpersonal metaphor. Though there are differences between theoriginal version and the simplified version of a literary work, the simplified version shouldalways be ‘faithful’ to the original one in terms of the basic meaning of the literary work.Therefore, a comparison of the two versions can surely reveal us different variations of therepresentational meaning: One is grammatical metaphor and the other is the correspondingcongruent form. The author of the thesis aims to dig out the reasons why grammatical metaphorsare frequently employed in the language of the original version and why congruent forms aremore often used in the simplified version and elaborate different functions of the two forms indifferent versions and the enlightment in English study.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 暨南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 10期
  • 【分类号】H315;I561.074
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】353
  • 攻读期成果

