

On the Strategies for the Sustainable Utilization of Land Resources

【作者】 崔光明

【导师】 熊国保;

【作者基本信息】 东华理工大学 , 土地资源管理, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 如何解决经济社会快速发展对土地资源的强劲需求、保障粮食安全和改善生态环境,增强土地资源对可持续发展的保障能力,是当前面临的重大课题和艰巨任务,需要以创新精神去分析回顾,探索研究,并寻找出有效的途径、方法和措施。本文是宜丰县土地资源可持续利用的策略研究,研究的基本思路是:总结、归纳己有研究成果,探讨土地资源可持续利用的基本理论,并进行国内外土地利用实例分析。在理论体系的指导下,运用文献法、归纳法等研究方法,揭示出宜丰县土地利用中存在的问题,最后提出宜丰县土地资源可持续利用的切实可行的对策与建议。主要研究结论如下:(l)对土地资源可持续利用的内涵进行了剖析,认为土地资源可持续利用就是把土地作为地球生态系统的重要组成部分,充分认识土地资源的有限性及其对于地球生态系统的重要意义,从保持地球生态系统平衡的角度出发研究土地利用问题,并以此来引导和限定人类针对土地资源的各种活动。(2)找出宜丰县土地利用中存在的主要问题,主要有:①耕地面积减少,人地矛盾突出②耕地质量下降,耕地污染现象加剧③建设用地和农业用地矛盾突出④居民点用地结构不合理,农村建设用地粗放利用状况进一步加剧⑤未利用地较多,但开发利用难度大(3)给出宜丰县土地资源可持续利用的对策。①按照数量和质量并重的原则,严格保护耕地和基本农田。②实施空间管制区划,解决城市可持续发展的空间保障问题。③加强土地的调控作用,实现土地可持续的发展。④优化调整土地利用结构,提高土地利用效益。⑤加强土地生态环境保护和建设,充分认识土地的生态环境功能和价值,促进土地资源的可持续利用。⑥加快土地管理信息系统的建设,推进土地信息化管理。⑦建立制度与法律保证体系。

【Abstract】 It is our major task to solve the strong demand for land resources resultingfrom rapid development of economy and society, guarantee food security,improve ecological environment and enhance sustainable development abilityof land resources, which needs the spirit of innovation to analyzeretrospectively and to find out effective measures.This paper explores the strategies for sustainable utilization of YifengCounty’s land resources. The following are the basic ideas: firstly, itsummarizes the previous achievement and explores the basic theory ofsustainable utilization of land resources; secondly, it analyses domestic andinternational land usage cases, thirdly, reveals the existing problems inYifeng County on the basis of theoretical system and the methods of literatureand induction, finally, it puts forward feasible countermeasures andsuggestions for sustainable use of Yifeng County’s land resources.The main conclusions are as follows:(l) By exploring the connotation of sustainable utilization of landresources, it is concluded that land resources sustainable utilization meanspeople should regard the land as an important part of the earth’s ecologicalsystem, fully understand the limitation of land resources and its significanceto the earth’s ecosystem, make a study on the problem of land utilizationfrom the stand of keeping the balance of ecological system, and guide andrestrain human activities on land resources(2) The existing major problems in land utilization in Yifeng County havebeen found, including:①the area of cultivated land reduce, thecontradiction between the decreasing of land and increasing in populationconspicuous.②farmland quality drops, phenomenon of cultivated landpollution aggravate.③the contradiction between agricultural and construction increasingly conspicuous.④structure of using land are notreasonable in residential area, the free-range use of urban constructionaggravates.⑤land resources is sufficient, but development and utilizationare difficult(3)Suggestions for Yifeng County’s land resource sustainable utilizationare given:①to protect arable land and basic farmland strictly in accordancewith the principle of quantity and quality;②to solve the city sustainabledevelopment space security through Implementing the spatial control areas;③to achieve sustainable land development through strengthening the landregulation;④to improve the efficiency of land use through the optimaladjustment of land use structure.⑤to strengthen the land environmentalprotection and construction through fully understanding the function and thevalue of ecological environment of land zoology, which will promote thesustainable use of land resources;⑥to carrying out village settlementsactively to enhance the efficiency of land use;⑦to establish the legal systemand legal guarantee system.

【关键词】 土地资源可持续利用对策
【Key words】 Land ResourcesSustainable UtilizationCountermeasures

