

Ornamental Characters and Ornamental Value Evalution of the Manglietia from China

【作者】 唐浩君

【导师】 司马永康; 彭磊;

【作者基本信息】 云南农业大学 , 果树学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着世界范围内城市化的迅速兴起和发展,城市园林植物的开发和利用已成为当今城市园林建设和环境改善的热点。园林植物种类繁多,性状特征与习性各异而观赏价值各不相同,在园林建设中它们的地位也就不尽相同。因此,作为园林观赏植物开发和利用工作中最基础的研究工作和基本环节的园林植物观赏价值的评价就成为了研究热点。木莲属植物全世界约40种,其中中国种类最为丰富,有27种,占世界种类数的67.5%,是一类具有很高观赏价值的园林、庭院绿化树种,具有重要的园林应用价值。从现有文献看,虽然对园林植物观赏价值评价的相关研究比较多,但有关木莲属植物的观赏价值评价还未见报道。因此,本文研究了中国木莲属植物的观赏性状,对其进行了观赏价值评价和优先开发排序,为中国木莲属植物的开发利用以及优良观赏种类选育和筛选提供坚实的理论依据和科学指导。本文的具体研究结果如下:1、通过野外和引种栽培木莲属植物观赏性状的调查和分析,掌握了中国木莲属27种植物的花、叶、果和树形的观赏特征,并揭示了这些观赏特征在木莲属植物中的分布规律。2、基于系统性、科学性、匹配性、可操作性和可靠性等原则,结合木莲属植物观赏性状的特性,从形态美、色彩美、嗅觉美、季相美、文化美、稀有美和特有美等7方面,多角度分析了木莲属植物的观赏价值,确立了木莲属植物观赏价值划分系统,并筛选出了36个与其观赏价值有密切关系的评价指标,构建了合理的木莲属植物观赏价值评价指标体系。3、根据本文所构建的观赏价值评价指标体系,采用层次分析法(AHP)对中国木莲属27种植物进行了观赏价值综合评价,并根据评价结果,对其观赏价值进行了等级划分和优先开发排序,结果表明:(1)观赏价值为Ⅰ级的有红花木莲和大果木莲等2种,占评价种类总数的7.4%;Ⅱ级的有川滇木莲、四川木莲等7种,占26%;Ⅲ级的有木莲、中缅木莲等10种,占37%;Ⅳ级的有倒卵叶木莲、毛果木莲等8种,占29.6%。(2)可作为优先开发的树种有红花木莲、大果木莲等9种,占评价种类总数的33.4%;准优先开发的树种有红河木莲、厚叶木莲等10种,占37%;待开发的树种有倒卵叶木莲、毛果木莲等8种,占29.6%。4、根据木莲属植物观赏价值的综合评价结果,选择川滇木莲、红花木莲、四川木莲、桂南木莲和香木莲等5个常见优先开发树种进行了花部性状变异研究。结果表明:在这5个种类中,第四轮花被片、雄蕊、柱头和心皮等4个花部结构变异最大,是它们变异的主要器官;这5个种类的变异主要发生在株间,这为优良单株存在的可能性及其选择提供了科学依据。

【Abstract】 With the rapid arise and development of urbanization, the development andutilization of landscape plants has become the today’s hot spot of the city gardenconstruction and environment improvement. Landscape plants are abundant in species.They have different ornamental values with different characters and habits, and playdifferent roles in garden. Therefore, as the most basic work and process of thedevelopment and utilization of ornamental plants, the ornamental value evaluation oflandscape plants has become a research hotspot. About40species of the genusManglietia Bl. occur in the world, of which27species, accounting for67.5%of the totalspecies, occur in China, which is the most abundant country in Manglietia species in theworld. The plants of Manglietia Bl. are a group of trees with high ornamental value forgarden and courtyard greening. They are of important values in garden and parkapplication. Based on the presented literatures, although there are many researches on theornamental value evaluation of landscape plants, the researches on ornamental valueevaluation of Manglietia have not been reported. Therefore, in this article, the ornamentalcharacters of Manglietia were investigated, the ornamental values of the Manglietia fromChina were evaluated and their sort order for priority exploitation was presented. Theseabove will give a theoretical basis and some scientific instruction for the developmentand utilization of the Manglietia from China and for the selection and breeding ofexcellent ornamental species of the Manglietia from China in the future. The specificresults are as follows:1. Through the investigation and analysis of the ornamental characters of the plantsin the field and the introduced and cultivated plants of Manglietia, the ornamental features of flowers, leaves, fruits and tree shapes of the27species of Manglietia fromChina were mastered, and the distribution law of the ornamental characteristics inManglietia were revealed.2. Based on the principles of system, science, match, operability and reliability andcombined with the features of Manglietia characters, the ornamental values of Manglietiaplants were analyzed with shape beauty, color beauty, smell beauty, aspection beauty,civilization beauty, rarity beauty and endemism beauty and a classification system ofornamental values of Manglietia plants were established. Then a reasonable ornamentalvalue evaluation index system of the Manglietia plants were constructed with theselected36indexes closely related to ornamental value.3. According to the ornamental value evaluation index system, the ornamentalvalues of the27species of Manglietia from China were evaluated with AHP. Andaccording to their ornamental values, they were graded and ordered for priorityexploitation. The results show that:(1) The ornamental value grade I species include2species, accounting for7.4%of the total evaluated species, such as Manglietia insignis(Wall.)Blume, Manglietia grandis Hu et W. C. Cheng and so on; the grade II speciesinclude7species, accounting for26%, such as Manglietia duclouxii Finet et. Gagnep.,Manglietia szechuanica Hu and so on; the grade III species include10species,accounting for37%, such as Manglietia fordiana Oliv, Manglietia hookeri Cubitt etW.W.Smith and so on; the grade IV species inculde8species, accounting for29.6%, suchas Manglietia obovatifolia C. Y. Wu et Y. W. Law, Manglietia ventii N. V. Tiêp and so on.(2) The priority exploitation species include9species, accounting for33.4%, such asManglietia insignis (Wall.) Blume, Manglietia grandis Hu et W. C. Cheng and so on; thesub-priority exploitation species include10species, accounting for37%, such asManglietia hongheensis Y.M. Shui et W.H.Chen, Manglietia pachyphylla H.T.Chang andso on; the less sub-priority exploitation species include8species, accounting for29.6%,such as Manglietia obovatifolia C. Y. Wu et Y. W. Law, Manglietia ventii N. V. Tiêp andso on4. Based on the ornamental value comprehensive evaluation results of Manglietiafrom China, five common species with exploitation priority, Manglietia szechuanica Hu,Manglietia insignis (Wall.) Blume, Manglietia duclouxii Finet et Gagnep., Manglietiaconifera Dandy and Manglietia aromatica Dandy, were selected and their floral partvariation were studied. The results show that the variations of their four floral stucturesincluding tepal, stamen, stigma and carpel, are the biggest in the5species. The fourfloral structures are main varied organs of the species. There are bigger variation among the individuals of the five species. Those will present a scientific basis for the occurrencepossibility and the breeding selection of excellent individuals.

【关键词】 中国木莲属观赏性状评价变异
【Key words】 ChinaManglietia BlumeOrnamental characterEvaluationVariation

