

Research of Chemical Control on Main Crop Varieties’ Characteristic Diseases of Yunnan Agriculture

【作者】 史茹

【导师】 毛自朝;

【作者基本信息】 云南农业大学 , 植物学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 农药是指用于预防、消灭或者控制危害农业、林业的病、虫、草和其他有害生物以及有目的地调节植物、昆虫生长的化学合成或者来源于生物,其他天然物质的一种或者几种的物质的混合物及其制剂,包括微生物及生物体中有效成分的提取物如鱼藤精等,及人工模拟合成物,如昆虫保幼激素、性引诱素,但不包括天敌、昆虫等活体生物。本文引言综述了农药种类、性能,生物农药概念和粮食作物水稻、玉米,经济作物橡胶、烟草,蔬菜作物黄瓜、番茄、白菜、辣椒,水果香蕉、葡萄、西瓜等常见病害的症状表现和常用防治方法。经过严谨的试验调查研究,进行正确的试验方案设计和小区规划,综合各种影响因素如气候、土壤、品种等,调查记录,运用SRS、excel等数据软件分析,最终得出防治云南不同地区的特征病害的最佳高效防治药剂、施药方法和施药剂量,试验结果如下:水稻稻瘟病施用40%稻瘟灵EC较好,88.85%的平均药效,制剂用药量1687.5克/公顷,有效成份用量675克/公顷。水稻纹枯病施用11%井.己WP较好。黄瓜霜霉病用60%烯酰.乙膦铝WP较好,90.20%的平均药效,制剂用药量1500克/公顷,有效成分量900克/公顷。黄瓜灰霉病施用40%嘧霉胺WG较好;黄瓜白粉病施用43%百菌清.戊唑醇SC较好;玫瑰霜霉病施用50%氟啶胺SC较好;大白菜霜霉病施用安泰生(丙森锌)70%WP较好。烟草黑胫病用80%三乙膦酸铝WP较好,85.04%的平均药效,制剂用药量6093克/公顷,有效成份用量4875.0克/公顷。烟草炭疽病80%代森锰锌WP较好,89.67%的平均药效,制剂用药量2700克/公顷,有效成份用量2160克/公顷。烟草赤星病施用10%多抗霉素WP较好;烟草花叶病毒病施用2%香菇多糖AS较好。香蕉黑星病用75%肟菌.戊唑醇WG(拿敌稳)较好,75.20%的平均药效,制剂用药量稀释2500倍,有效成份用量300克/公顷。香蕉叶斑病施用25%氟环唑SC较好。西瓜疫病70%安泰生WP较好,85.16%的平均药效,制剂用药量3000克/公顷,有效成份用量2100克/公顷。西瓜枯萎病施用5%氨基寡糖素AS较好;西瓜炭疽病施用40%苯醚甲环唑ME较好。橡胶树白粉病8%氟硅唑HN较好,85.02%的平均药效,制剂用药量1624克/公顷,有效成份用量130克/公顷。橡胶树炭疽病施用10%苯醚甲环唑HN较好。葡萄白粉病施用1%血根碱WP较好;甜椒疫病施用70%安泰生WP较好;番茄早疫病施用70%代森锰锌WG(联农)较好;马铃薯晚疫病施用50%烯酰吗啉.三乙膦酸铝WP较好。葡萄褐斑病防治时所施用1%血根碱WP,77%可杀得101WP,对其防治效果均不理想,甚至出现负的结果。该研究为农田病害防治和农业研究工作者提供了有力的参考依据,开展该药剂的防效对比试验,筛选出该药的最佳使用浓度和方法,为农药产品登记审批与推广应用提供科学依据,为云南省多种病害防治提供了后备药剂,具有重要意义和应用价值。另外试验中使用的部分生防药剂在未来生物防治应用中具有很好的发展前景。

【Abstract】 Agricultural chemical is used for preventing, eliminating or controlling diseases,insect, weed and other pest harmful in agriculture and forestry, and is aiming toregulate the chemiosynthesis of plants and insects or its a sorts of corporeal mixture aswell as pharmaceutics obtained from biological materials,including effective extractsin organisms, such as derris, manual simulating synthetics e.g. corpus, acetum,hormone, pheromone, except for living bodies such as natural enemies of pest ect.Chemical controlling of disease, plays a important role in crop producing.The introduction of this paper summarizes types&functions of agriculturalchemicals and biochemicals. Additionally, characteristics of kinds of diseasesoccurring on grains like rice, maize, economic crops like rubber tree, tobacco etc.vegetables like cucumber, tomato, potato,cabbage, pepper etc. fruits like banana,grape, watermelon etc. are also generally described.Though serious investigation and experiments, which were designed based onconsidering regions, various influences such as climate, soil, cultivar etc, we selectedthe high-effective chemicals and their optimal applying method for curing thecharacteristic diseases respectively in different regions of Yunnan according to thecollected data analyzed with software such as SPSS and EXCEL.The results are listedas follows:40%isoprothiolane is best chemical used on Rice blast control with average88.85%inhibition ability, with dosages of pharmaceutics drug,1687.5g/hectare, active constituent675g/hectare. We also found11%well-hexa wettable powder isefficient one for controling rice sheath blight disease.Cucumber downy mildrew is cured with60%enoyl-esculentoside phosphinealuminium with the best average inhibition of90.20%, with pharmaceutics drug1500g/hectare while active constituent900g/hectare. For other cucumber disease,40%pyrimethanil water dispersion for cucumber gray mold disease,43%chlorotholanil tabuconazole for cucumber powdery mildew are confirmed by ourinvestigation and we also found50%fluazinam suspending is best used for the Rosemildew, and70%propineb hydrophilic powders are best for Chinese cabbagecontrolling.Tabacco black shank disease is controlled by80%fosetyl-aluminiumhydrophilic powers with85.04%inhibition ability with, pharmaceutics drug6093.75g/hectare, and active constituent4875.0g/hectare. Tobacco anthracnose wastreated with80%mancozeb WP obtaining the average efficacy of89.67%, withdosage of2700g/hectare, active ingredient dosage of2160g/hectare. Tobaccobrown spot disease, was controlled with10%antimycin WP; while2%lentinan asare better agency for Tobacco mosaic virus.Banana black star disease is cured with75%oxime germ tebuconazole (na diwen) get protection rate of75.20%, with2500tome dilution and dosages forpharmaceutics drug400g/hectare, while active constituent300g/hectare.For bananaleaf spot diease,25%epoxiconazole is the better chemical.Watermelon plight is cured with70%propineb (An Tai Sheng product)hydrophilic powers with the85.16%, control ability by using dosages ofpharmaceutics drug3000g/acreage, active constituent2100g/hectare, we also foundthat5%amino oligosaccharide for watermelon fusarium wilt,40%Difenoconazolemicroemulsion for watermelon anthracnose have good control potential.For the rubber tree powdery mildew,8%Flusilazole HN is better, and the latteraverage protection rate can reach85.02%, with dosage of1624.95g/hectare, activeingredient130g/hectare. For the rubber tree anthracnose,10%Difenoconazole HNare better chemical.We found that1%sanguinarine WP are good chemical for Grape powderymildew control,70%propineb wettable powder for sweet pepper blight,70%mancozeb water dispersion granula for tomato early blight, and50%dimethomophfosetyl aluminium wettable powder for potato late blight protection. But when1% sanguinarine WP is used for curing grape brown spot diease,the result was notideal,even with negative data.The results provides strong and effective references for many agriculturalresearchers and producer as well for farmland disease control by chemicalreagents.The result is also useful for the agricultural chemicals’ registration andwidely application, and it provides a wide range of reagents for controls of cropsdiseases in Yunnan which indicates great importance and application values. Most ofall, the bio-control reagents listed in our experiments has a bright future for itsenvironmental benefice in the long run.


