

The Design Implementation of Data Integration and Exchange of Digital Storage System

【作者】 章国庆

【导师】 郭庆栓; 蒋泽锋;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本文针对烟草现代物流信息化发展的需要,分析了当前现状,指出了存在的问题,提出了一个针对数字化仓储系统的数据集成与交换解决方案,并对数据集成与交换的设计思路、实现方法和应用效果进行了阐述。几年来烟草企业加快了营销、配送、专卖管理的改革创新,已经从传统流通企业转变为依托信息化和管理创新的现代流通企业,信息化已经成为烟草企业不可或缺的生产工具。但随着企业的发展,各应用系统的建设越来越多,数据出多门的现象越来越明显,这也就决定了对信息化建设整合的迫切性和必要性,规范数据标准、加快数据集成与交换平台建设的要求越来越迫切。本文利用现代信息技术,采用数据集成与交换的理论,从信息化与业务模式、提升信息化的融合力等角度考虑,提供一个数据集成与交换平台。烟草数据集成与交换平台是适应烟草进行数据管理服务的支撑平台。以标准化数据交换规则技术规范为核心,实现规则、解释、配置、运行的系统平台,以满足异构系统之间数据交换的需求。在应用解决方案上,建立了统一平台技术架构的数据交换管理系统,整合现有各业务应用数据,支持跨应用系统之间的数据交换和数据访问;同时建立主数据管理系统,形成烟草行业跨业务流程反复使用的高价值数据。此外,本文还针对烟草商业企业数据交换的特点,提出了基于Web Services技术的系统实现。利用Web Services技术完成对数据交换平台不同系统之间的数据交换,实现整个平台的数据整合。同时,也为平台的维护和扩展提供了一个良好的架构。以商业企业配送仓储业务为背景,具体介绍了分拣调度以及条烟分拣的流程实现,体现了数据集成与交换的应用。

【Abstract】 Based on the development of modern logistics information of tobacco,Analyses the current situation,Points out the existing problems,Putsforward a data integration and exchange solutions in digital storagesystem, The detailed expound data integration and exchange of design、realizing、application。In recent years,the tobacco industry intensify efforts to cigarettesale networks construction,completed to change from traditional businessto modern circulation,realized information management of the tobaccobusiness。But along with the development of the enterprise,theconstruction of the application system more and more,inconsistent dataphenomenon is significant, it also determines the integration ofnormalization construction of urgency and necessity,industry dataintegration and exchange platform construction demand also came up forair。This paper using modern information technology,using dataintegration and exchange theory,angle consideration to information andbusiness mode、ascend the fusion power of information,provide a platformof the data integration and exchange.The platform of tobacco data integration and exchange is supportplatform of adapting to tobacco in data management services,through thisplatform we can construct enterprise service bus,unity interfaces ofinformation interaction between various application system.Intechnology implementation,platform rules for analytical engine core,in batch of system function module and adapter for support,through therules of configuration,meet enterprise data exchange businessrequirement。In application solutions,establish data exchange managementsystem of unified platform technology architecture,integration ofexisting each business application data,support data exchange and dataaccess between crossing of application system。Meanwhile establish masterdata management system,form the tobacco industry high-value data acrossthe business process repeated use。 In addition, this paper also put forward system implementation basedon Web Services technology,f or tobacco commercial enterprise dataexchange characteristics。Completed data exchange between differentsystems of data exchange platform using Web Services technology,realizedata integration of the whole platform。Meanwhile,provides a goodframework as the platform’s maintenance and expansion。 As the backgroundfor commercial enterprise distribution storage business,introducedconcretely process realization of sorting scheduling and the flow of thesmoke sorting,embodies the application of data integration and exchange。

【关键词】 数字化仓储数据集成数据交换
【Key words】 Digital storageData integrationData exchange
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【下载频次】73

