

Research on System of Prediction of Fatigue Life for the Main Shaft Based on ANSYS FE-SAFE

【作者】 王平

【导师】 杨文志;

【作者基本信息】 内蒙古科技大学 , 机械设计及理论, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 近些年,随着我国经济的迅猛发展,国内钢材供不应求。钢铁企业在不断扩建的同时,开足马力拼设备以追求产量最大化。在此背景下,重型轧机尤其是穿孔机的主传动轴及万向接轴断裂事故时有发生。基于上述问题,本文对某集团公司无缝穿孔机主传动轴及万向接轴的疲劳强度及疲劳寿命进行了研究。首先,使用ANSYS有限元分析软件对主传动轴和万向接进行了静强度分析。建模时采用ANSYS直接建模。根据传动轴及万向接轴的实际支撑和所受扭矩对其施加了约束和扭矩载荷。分析与讨论了主传动轴及万向接轴在920MPa扭矩载荷作用下的应力结果值和应力分布规律,同时找到了其静强度薄弱区域。更重要的是,单位载荷的静强度分析应力结果是疲劳分析的必要基础数据,它涵盖传动轴及万向接轴应力分布状况及特征。其次,疲劳强度分析另一个重要环节就是疲劳计算中使用的扭矩载荷谱。冲击扭矩载荷时间历程是影响穿孔机主传动轴及万向接轴疲劳强度及疲劳寿命的重要因素。所以,本文实测了不同工况下传动轴的扭矩载荷时间历程,并使用雨流计数法和概率统计法对实测扭矩载荷时间历程进行载荷谱编制。编制后的扭矩载荷谱更加逼近主传动轴及万向接轴的实际载荷,因此,穿孔机主传动轴及万向接轴的疲劳分析更加准确。最后,本文基于疲劳分析理论,将单位载荷静强度分析应力结果和编制的扭矩载荷谱导入ANSYS FE-SAFE疲劳分析软件中计算了主传动轴及万向接轴的疲劳强度,并预测了疲劳寿命。预测得到的穿孔机主传动轴及万向接轴的疲劳寿命与企业实际使用的主传动轴及万向接轴寿命基本相一致,证明此疲劳分析方法和疲劳寿命预测法是切实可行的。为了实时监测穿孔机主传动轴及万向接轴的扭矩载荷值并统计出造成主传动轴及万向接轴疲劳的载荷谱,更为了实时监测其疲劳交变应力及其对应的疲劳循环次数从而算出主传动轴的剩余疲劳寿命,本文设计了一套长期在线监测主传动轴扭矩载荷的扭矩传感器。由于此扭矩传感器避免了直接在传动轴上粘贴电阻应变片的诸多缺点(如,现场安装时间仓促、环境恶劣、尤其是无法实施长期牢固粘贴应变片所进行的加热与保温及密封等工艺措施)所以,其具有安装方便、测量准确、可提前标定、并可长期使用等特点。由于实验条件有限,本文没能用实验的方法标定此扭矩传感器,而是使用ANSYS软件对其进行静力学分析,得出其应力应变关系与实测应力应变数值相一致的结论,证明其设计合理。

【Abstract】 In recent years, with the rapid development of our economy, the domestic steel demandexceeds supply. Steel enterprises in the continuous expansion, while pursuing mega-destroyerspell equipment to maximize yield. Heavy mill main transmission shaft and universal pickshaft fracture accidents occur frequently. Based on the above-mentioned problems, to onegroup company seamless perforation shaft and universal pick axis machine of fatiguestrength and fatigue life was studied.First, the use of ANSYS finite element analysis software Lord transmission shaft and theuniversal connect static strength analysis. Using ANSYS direct modeling when modeling.According to pick up the shaft and universal shaft to the actual support and torque imposesconstraints and torque load. Analyzes and discusses main transmission shaft and universalpick shaft in920MPa torque load stress results value and the stress distribution law, alsofound its static intensity weak area. More importantly, the unit load of static strength analysisof the stress the result is fatigue analysis, it covers basic data necessary shaft and universalpick shaft stress distribution conditions and characteristics.Secondly, fatigue strength analysis another important link is fatigue used in computingthe torque load spectrum. Impact torque load time process is the effect of axial shaft anduniversal after Lord fatigue strength and fatigue life of important factor. Therefore, the papermeasured under the conditions of different transmission torque load time course, and use rainflow count method and probability statistics measured torque load time compiled the courseload spectrum. Prepare the torque load spectrum after Lord closer to pick up the shaft anduniversal shaft actual load, guarantee the correctness of the fatigue analysis.Finally, based on the fatigue analysis theory, the static strength analysis unit load stressresults and prepare torque load spectrum import ANSYS software that monitors FE-fatigueanalysis of main shaft and universal calculated the fatigue strength pick shaft, and forecast thefatigue life. Forecasting the shaft and get punched machine the fatigue life of universal pickshaft with enterprise of the actual use of shaft and universal pick shaft Lord consistent lifebasic that this fatigue analysis method and the fatigue life prediction method is feasible.In order to monitor real-time transmission shaft torque load and statistics a cause offatigue load spectrum transmission shaft, real-time calculation perforation pick axis machineand universal residual lifetime, this paper designed a set of long-term on-line monitoringtorque transmission shaft torque sensor. And of the sensor using ANSYS software, the staticsanalysis, obtains the stress-strain relationship with measured stress strain numerical consistentconclusion.


