

Research of Non-fiction Image Development in New Media Era

【作者】 赵超

【导师】 沈祥胜;

【作者基本信息】 武汉纺织大学 , 设计艺术学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 本课题主要通过对非虚构类影像的分析和比较,总结了其发展现状,分析了在新媒体时代语境里非虚构类影像的华丽蜕变。在20世纪七八十年代,非虚构类影像一直作为带有强烈政治色彩的工具出现,充满了主体意识和说教色彩。但随着新媒体时代的到来,DV、3G手机、网络、微博等新兴技术对非虚构类影像的创作和传播都产生了深远的影响,新的创作工具、传播平台和传播媒介,大大拓展了非虚构类影像的发展空间,开始成为“个人化写作”的载体之一。非虚构类影像作为人类“生存之境”,应该及时感应时代的发展变迁,抓住时代脉搏,丰富创作题材,不断拓延传统的创作理论,用真实的影像来反映生活,纪录历史,传承文化。本课题综合运用了资料分析法、归纳总结法、理论研究法等研究方法,借鉴传播学、纪录片创作理论等学科的相关知识,对新媒体时代语境下非虚构类影像的创作与传播做了系统的分析与展望。本文共分为四个章节:第一章介绍了本课题的研究背景、国内外的研究动态和发展趋势,并简要的介绍了本课题所采用的研究方法。第二章概述了新媒体时代和非虚构类影像,界定了它们的概念和范畴,分析介绍了新媒体时代的传播媒介和数字技术,总结归纳了非虚构类影像的发展轨迹与艺术特性,并剖析了非虚构类影像的理论争议和面临的困境。第三章主要论述了新媒体对非虚构类影像的影响与改变,这也是本课题着重阐述的部分,这个部分主要从两个大的方面来进行论述。一是新媒体时代对非虚构类影像的影响,二是新媒体时代语境下非虚构类影像的体系重构和发展变化。第四章是全文的总结,对本课题的研究对象、过程和结论进行了总结,并剖析了本研究存在的局限和不足。

【Abstract】 The main subject of analysis and comparison of non-fiction images, summarizesthe development status, gorgeous transformation of non-fiction in the context of ageof new media images. In the seventies and eighties of the 20th century, the non-fictionimages has been used as a tool with a strong political overtones, it is full of subjectiveconsciousness and preaching colors. With the advent of the new media era, DV, 3Gmobile phones, networks, micro-blogging and other emerging technologies on thecreation and dissemination of non-fiction images produced far-reaching implications.The new creative tools, media platforms and media, which greatly expanded the spacefor development of non-fiction images started to become a "personal writing" one ofthe carriers. Non-fiction image as human beings "living environment", should besensing the development and changes of the times, seize the pulse of the times, richcreative theme, constantly stretches the traditional theory of creation, to reflect thetrue image of life, the record of history, cultural heritage.This project is the integrated use of data analysis, summarized the summarymethod, theoretical studies and other research methods, drawing on knowledge of thediscipline of Communication Studies, Documentary theory, the creation anddissemination of non-fiction images in the context of age of new media to do thesystem analysis and outlook. This article is divided into four sections:The first chapter introduces the research background, domestic and internationalresearch trends and development trends, and briefly describes the research methodsused in this project.The second chapter provides an overview of the era of new media andnon-fiction image to define the concepts and categories, and introduced the newmedia age, the media and digital technology, summed up the development path andartistic characteristics of the non-fiction images, and analysis of the theoreticalcontroversies and difficulties faced by non-fiction image.The third chapter discusses the new media influence and change the image of thenon-fiction, This is also part of this project focuses on this part is mainly from twoaspects are discussed. First, the new media age, images of non-fiction, the second isthe system of non-fiction in the context of the new media age, image reconstructionand development changes.The fourth chapter is a summary of the full text, objects, processes and conclusions on this subject were summarized and analyzed the limitations anddeficiencies of this research.

  • 【分类号】J905
  • 【下载频次】173

