

The Research on Fault-tolerant Topology Control Algorithm in Wireless Sensor Networks

【作者】 赵磊静

【导师】 刘彬; 刘浩然;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 检测技术与自动化装置, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着嵌入技术、传感技术和无线通信技术的发展,具备感知、信息处理以及无线通信能力的无线传感器已经在世界范围内涌现,这些廉价、低功耗的微型传感器构成的传感器网络引起了人们的极大关注。传感器节点容易部署却很难回收及再充电,因此能耗是传感网络的一个重要指标;另外,由于环境复杂,节点和信道经常发生故障,因而网络拓扑的鲁棒性必须考虑。所以,兼顾节能与可靠,在保证网络容错特性的基础上进行拓扑控制的容错拓扑控制技术有着非常重要的研究意义。本文为解决无线传感器网络拓扑的容错问题,从网络故障和网络随机攻击两方面入手,针对不同的应用需求,提出了两种容错拓扑控制算法;又针对现有拓扑容错性度量指标的不足,提出了一种新的无线传感器网络拓扑容错性度量指标。首先,从应对节点故障方面入手,基于支配树提出DTBR算法。在构建网络拓扑时,考虑节点能耗、链路质量等因素对拓扑的影响,构建节点可靠度权值函数,选取网络中性能良好的节点作为骨干节点,并通过连接节点使全网连通,使生成的拓扑具有一定的抗故障能力。其次,从应对节点因随机攻击而失效入手,提出基于无标度结构的SF-NF算法。在构建拓扑时,兼顾节点能量和发射半径受限的问题,提出局域世界的概念,构建能耗均衡的无标度拓扑,使构建的拓扑具有一定的鲁棒性,当网络中部分节点发生故障时,确保网络仍能完成预设任务。最后,针对现有拓扑容错性评价指标忽略节点失效间的耦合关系,造成对拓扑容错性分析与实际不符的问题,考虑节点负载与节点容量和能耗的关系,建立级联失效模型,提出基于级联失效的无线传感器网络拓扑容错性评价指标。

【Abstract】 With the development in embedded technology, sensor technology and wirelesscommunication technology, sensor nodes with the abilities of perception, informationprocess and wireless communication have poured in all over the world. These cheap lowpower consumption micro sensors have attracted great attention. Since sensors are easilydeployed but hard recycled, energy consumption is a key criterion in wireless sensornetworks. Moreover, nodes and channels usually break down due to complex environment,so network robustness must be considered. Consequently, combining energy-efficient withreliability, fault-tolerance topology control technology, which controls topology on thebasis of ensuring network fault-tolerance, has very important significance.In this paper, the goal is to solve topology fault-tolerant problem of wireless sensornetworks. From dealing with network malfunction and random attacks, we propose twodifferent kinds of fault-tolerant topology control algorithms for different applicationrequirements. Meanwhile, current research on topology fault-tolerance exist some weakpoints, so we propose a new metric of topology fault-tolerance.Firstly, from dealing with network malfunction, we propose DTBR algorithm based ondominating tree. During topology construction, we consider effect of energy consumptionof node and link quality on topology, and then build node reliability weighing function,based on which we can obtain good performance nodes as bone nodes. Ultimately, weconnect all nodes in networks to form a topology which has certain robustness to networkmalfunction.Secondly, from dealing with random attacks, we prose SF-NF algorithm based onscale-free structure. When constructing topology, we combine the limits of node energyand transmission radius, and then propose the concept of local world. Finally, we build aenergy-balancing scale-free topology, which makes topology has certain robustness, andcan ensure networks perform predetermined tasks when there are some failure nodesappearing.Finally, for current research on topology fault-tolerance of wireless sensor networksneglects influence of cascading failures on fault-tolerant ability, so that the proposed metrics of topology fault-tolerance don’t match reality. Therefore, we considerrelationships among node load, capacity and energy consumption, then build the model ofcascading failures and propose a metric of topology fault-tolerance based on cascadingfailures.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】TN929.5;TP212.9
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】137
  • 攻读期成果

