

Research on Evaluation of the Knowledge Management Performance in It Enterprise

【作者】 张楠

【导师】 刘文远;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 企业管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在知识经济的背景下,知识已成为企业发展、经济增长和社会进步的核心资源,本文针对IT企业知识管理能力评价研究不足的问题,在对知识管理及知识管理能力评价理论研究的基础上,结合IT企业的特点,构建了IT企业知识管理能力评价模型,并以燕软集团的知识管理能力评价为例进行实证研究。首先,本文在分析IT企业知识管理的层次性特点及对以往研究的总结思考基础上,在建立IT企业知识管理层次性框架时,创新性的考虑企业外部知识管理层次,通过对企业知识管理能力评价的内涵、流程和原则的研究,在各种指标体系权重确定方法和综合评价方法的对比下,结合IT企业知识管理能力的特点,最终选取了层次分析法确定指标权重,模糊综合评价方法对IT企业知识管理能力进行评价。其次,在IT企业知识管理能力评价模型中,根据IT企业知识管理的层次性特点,将建立各指标体系的出发点定位在企业的视角,是本文的另一个新颖之处,并运用德尔菲法构建了包含定性和定量的指标体系,全面客观的反映IT企业知识管理能力的情况,构建IT企业知识管理评价模型。最后,本文以燕软集团的知识管理能力评价为例,通过将调研所获得的数据和专家调查法所积累的数据用到本文所构建的IT企业知识管理能力评价模型中去。一方面验证了评价方法和评价模型的实用性,另一方面对燕软集团知识管理能力进行了科学、合理的评价,并通过根据对评价结果的分析为燕软集团知识管理的有效实施提出了改进措施和建议。

【Abstract】 In the background of knowledge economy, the knowledge has become the coreresources for the development of enterprise, the growth of economic and the progress ofsocial. There is the shortage of research in performance evaluation for IT enterpriseknowledge management, On the the basis of research of knowledge management andknowledge management ability evaluation, This paper constructs the evaluation model ofIT enterprise knowledge management ability with the characteristics of IT enterprise.And end with Yan Ruan group of knowledge management ability evaluation as anexample for empirical research.First of all, based on the analysis the characteristics of level of IT enterpriseknowledge management and the research previously, when establish the level frameworkof IT enterprise knowledge management, I consider the knowledge management level ofenterprise external. Through to the research of connotation, processes and principles ofenterprise knowledge management performance evaluation, and eventually selected theanalytic hierarchy process index weight and the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation methodfor the IT enterprise knowledge management ability evaluation.Secondly, in the IT enterprise knowledge management ability evaluation model,according to level of features of IT enterprise knowledge management, this paper willbuild the starting point of the model from the view of the enterprise, and using Delphimethod to construct qualitative and quantitative index system, building IT enterpriseknowledge management model.Finally, this paper takes Yan Ruan group knowledge management ability evaluationas an example, through the data obtained and experts investigation accumulated data usethis paper constructed IT enterprise knowledge management ability evaluation model. Onthe one hand the evaluation method and evaluation test model is practical, on the otherhand the IT enterprise knowledge management ability is a scientific and reasonableevaluation, and through the analysis of the evaluation results for Yan Ruan and give theenterprise some measures and Suggestions for improvement.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期

