

R&D Resource Allocation Efficiency Research of High Tech Industry in Hebei Province

【作者】 刘琦

【导师】 宋之杰;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 区域经济学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 在当今社会,各个国家争取国际地位的最有力武器就是科技,科技带来的不仅仅是经济的快速发展,更是国家强大的表现。我国各地区纷纷加大对R&D资源的投入力度。高新技术产业作为以技术带动产业发展与经济效益的重点产业,R&D资源配置情况直接影响该产业的发展。本文主要针对河北省的高新技术产业研发发展状况进行分析。对河北省的经济发展具有现实的预见和指导作用。同时丰富了省际层面的理论应用。首先对研究高新技术产业发展的相关方法进行梳理,对国内外研究现状进行综述,总结方法和不足,为下文提供研究方向。同时对高新技术产业、R&D资源及配置的内涵进行解释,运用系统理论、资源配置理论对R&D资源配置的效率、配置模式、行为模式及行为影响因素进行分析,为下文提供理论基础。然后从人力资源、资金资源、科技资源等方面陈述河北省高新技术产业的R&D资源配置状况,运用比较分析法,定性研究等方法,把河北省的高新技术产业的实际资源配置状况与中国的部分沿海省份地区进行对比,从比较中研究河北省与其他省份的差距。最后使用SFA模型对河北省R&D资源配置效率进行定量分析,分析非效率的存在及比重,还有各要素的产出弹性,对影响非效率的因素进行计算和检验,判断出河北省的高新技术产业与其他地区相比,非效率性存在,而且非效率比重较大,处在全国的中等偏下水平,且主要影响非效率的因素集中在政府的财政科技拨款、高新技术产品的进出口上。在此基础上,根据结果,从企业、高校和政府的角度提出提高高新技术产业资源配置效率的具体对策。

【Abstract】 In today’s society, powerful weapons strive for the international status is the scienceand technology,science and technology is not only brought rapid economydevelopment,but also the powerful performance. Different regions have increased thedevoted of R&D resources in China. As new and high technology industry is the key topromote technology development and economic, R&D resource allocation has directeffect on the development of the industry. This article mainly aims at analysis thehigh-tech industry situation of Hebei Province,and have role of real foresight andguidance.At the same time enriching the theory of inter-provincial levelFirst combed methods about development of high and new technology industry,reviewed research status at home and abroad were, summarized method sand theinsufficiencys, provided the research direction for the following. At the same time,explaned the meaning of new and high technology industry, R&D resource and using thesystematic theory, the resource allocation theory to analysis the efficiency of R&Dresource allocation allocation model, behavior model and behavior influencingfactors,providing the theories foundation for the continuation.The stated the R&D resources of high-tech industry in Hebei province from thehuman resources, financial resources, technological resources and other aspects, used thecomparative analysis and qualitative research methods, comparative Hebei Province’shigh-tech industry practice resources allocation with some coastal provinces in China,from this study the difference of Hebei province to others.Finally, analysis the R&D resource allocation efficiency of Hebei province usied theSFA model, analysis the efficiency, and the elasticity of output, calculation and inspectioninfluence the efficiency factor, judge the effect, compared to other regions, inefficiency isexistence, and in a larger proportion, in the middle level, and mainly focus on the factorsaffecting the non-efficiency are government funding import and export of high-techproducts and so on.on the basis of this, Put forward the Countermeasureof improving theefficiency of resource allocation for the new and high technology industry from theenterprise, universities and government point of view.

【关键词】 高新技术产业R&D效率SFA
【Key words】 high and new technology industryR&DefficiencySFA
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 11期
  • 【分类号】F224;F276.44
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】136
  • 攻读期成果

