

Reserch on Stiffness and Dynamics of Elastic Hinge Rehabilitation Mechanism

【作者】 李雅楠

【导师】 赵铁石;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 机械电子工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 相对于传统的刚性机构,柔性机构具有很多方面的优点。弹性铰链机构作为柔性机构的一种,可应用于众多领域。本论文将三种弹性铰链机构应用于医疗康复领域,分别对这三种机构进行了运动学、刚度、动力学方面的研究。基于已应用的膝关节康复CPM机,将弹性移动、转动铰链分三种方式加入CPM机中,构成不同的生物融合机构。分别对原CPM机和含有不同弹性铰链的单闭环弹性铰链机构进行运动学求解,得到不同机构下膝关节角度变化关系图,对比结果证明了弹性铰链对康复运动可起到缓冲保护作用。基于影响系数对单闭环双弹性铰链机构进行柔度建模,得到其柔度特性图,结合膝关节康复需要分析了该机构的柔度特性。针对人腿关节与机械机构运动副不重合情况构造出了双环弹性铰链膝关节康复机构。基于螺旋理论分析了机构自由度,结合影响系数和虚功原理推导出刚度表达式,得到机械分支速度图以及相应的刚度特性图。经过分析得出当人腿与机构产生一定的偏离时,该机构仍然能够利用弹性铰链的优势服务于膝关节康复患者。将3-RRR弹性铰链并联机构应用于人体下肢小范围康复训练中。对机构影响系数进行求解,基于动力学普遍方程建立了机构的动力学模型,并在此基础上建立了机构的动刚度模型。采用有限元和数据分析软件拟合动刚度曲线,结合下肢康复需求分析机构的动刚度特性。通过软件仿真对比了3-RRR非弹性铰链和弹性铰链并联机构的运动学和动力学特性,结合人体下肢康复预期康复范围以及康复过程平稳、安全等要求,分析出3-RRR弹性铰链并联机构应用于下肢康复训练的可行性。本论文将弹性铰链融入到康复机器人机构中,对新机构的运动学、静刚度和动力学,特别是动刚度进行了研究,该工作的完成对生物融合式康复机器人的研制有重要的理论指导意义。

【Abstract】 Compared to traditional rigid mechanism, the flexible mechanism has the advantageof many aspects. As a kind of flexible mechanism, the elastic hinge mechanism can beapplied to many other fields. This paper conducts research on kinematics, stiffness,dynamics of three kinds of elastic hinge mechanism used in the field of medicalrehabilitation.Based on the CPM knee rehabilitation mechanism, we join the translational elastichinge, rotational elastic hinge to it in three ways, coming into being different biologicalintegration mechanisms. Kinematics of the original CPM mechanism and single closedloop elastic hinge mechanisms with different elastic hinges is researched, and knee anglediagrams in different mechanisms are made. By comparison buffer protective effect onrehabilitation exercise of the elastic hinge is proved. Based on influence coefficient,flexibility model of single loop double elastic hinge mechanism and the actual analysis ofcompliance characteristic diagrams made by programming is made.For the joint of human legs and the kinematic pair of mechanical mechanisms do notcoincide, we construct the bicyclic elastic hinge knee rehabilitation mechanism. Based onscrew theory, the degree of freedom is given. Combining with the influence coefficientand the principle of virtual work, we derive the expression of stiffness. We make thevelocity diagram of the mechanical branch and the corresponding stiffness characteristicdiagram. By analysis, we obtained when the leg and mechanism have some deviation, themechanism is still able to use the advantages of the elastic hinge to serve kneerehabilitation patients with convenience.Then, the 3-RRR elastic hinge parallel mechanism is used in the human lower limbrehabilitation of small-scale training. Influence coefficient of this mechanism is evaluated.Based on the general equation of dynamics, this paper establishes the dynamic model ofthe mechanism, and on this basis, the dynamic stiffness model is established. We use thefinite element method and data analysis software to fit the dynamic stiffness curve, andanalyze the dynamic stiffness characteristics combining with lower limb rehabilitation needs.Through software emulation, we contrast the kinematics and dynamics characteristicsof 3-RRR inelastic hinge and elastic hinge parallel mechanisms. And the feasibility of the3-RRR elastic hinge parallel mechanism applied to the lower limb rehabilitation training isanalyzed combining with the rehabilitation range of human lower limb and therequirement of smooth and safety rehabilitation process.Elastic hinges are integrated into the rehabilitation mechanism. Research onkinematics, static stiffness, dynamics and dynamic stiffness of those mechanisms, whichhas important theoretical significance for the future development of the bio-syncreticrehabilitation mechanism.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

