

Kinematics and Dynamics Research of the Rolling Shear on Heavy Plate

【作者】 李小伟

【导师】 李学通; 王秀峰;

【作者基本信息】 燕山大学 , 机械工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 滚切式剪切机是目前宽厚板剪切中最先进的剪机机型,相比于传统的斜刃式剪切机,滚切剪具有剪切质量好、剪切效率高和传动功率低等一系列优点。在上世纪七八十年代滚切剪就已经被发达国家普遍采用,而在我国则直到二十世纪九十年代才开始得到应用。虽然我国在滚切剪的设计和研究方面已取得了一定进展,但与国外相比,还存在一定的差距,目前宽厚板生产线上使用的滚切剪也仍多是引进国外设备。因此,本文对滚切式剪切机的运动学进行理论研究具有重要意义和实用价值。本文内容是以某厂4300mm滚切式定尺剪为研究对象,采用三维绘图软件Solidworks建立了滚切式定尺剪的关键零部件的三维模型,对滚切剪的剪刃间隙调整装置进行了研究,探讨了剪刃侧隙调整的机理,分析了剪刃侧隙调整对剪切质量的影响。同时还分析了滚切剪上剪刃的运动规律及其速度和加速度的变化,得出了滚切剪剪切过程中上剪刃的运动规律。采用大型动力学分析软件ADAMS建立了滚切剪的运动学仿真模型,对滚切剪的运动状态进行了模拟。通过参数化建模,分析了曲柄初始相位角、曲柄长度、导向连杆与机架铰接点位置以及导向连杆长度等不同参数的变化对剪刃重叠量的影响规律。同时,本文还对滚切剪的剪切力进行了模拟分析,并给出了剪切力峰值产生的原因及其解决措施。

【Abstract】 The rolling shears is the most advanced machine in the area of cutting heavy plate.Compared to the traditional oblique edge shears, rolling shears have better shearquality,efficiency and lower transmission power. In the seventies and eighties of the lastcentury, rolling shears have been generally used by developed countries. Our country usedthem until1990s. Currently, in our country, the rolling shears in the heavy plateproduction line is mostly come from foreign countries. In recent years, our country havegreat progress on design and research of the rolling shears, but still have a certain gap tothe foreign technology and equipments, such as the area of kinematic and dynamicsresearch. Therefore, the research on the movement of the rolling shears have practicalsignificance.This article study on the4,300rolling shear, and established a three-dimensionalmodel of the rolling shear’s key components in the3D software Solidworks. In this paper,I have a research on the blade gap adjustment device of the rolling shear, investigated themechanism of the blade gap adjustment device, analyzed the influence to the cut qualityfrom the blade gap adjustment, also analyzed the movement of the upper blade of therolling shear and its changes on the speed and the acceleration, provided a reference to themovement of the upper blade of the rolling shears.This paper build a simple simulation model of the rolling shear in the dynamics andkinematics software which named ADAMS, simulated the movement of the rolling shear.This paper used a method by made the model parameterized, analyzed the influence onblade overlap by the change of different parameters such as the initial phase angle of thecrank, crank length, the position of hinge point between guide link and frame, the guidelink length. At the same time, this paper also have a research on shear force of the rollingshear, and analyzed the causes of the peak shear force that in the process of the rollingshear cut plates, and proposed some solutions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 燕山大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 09期

