

Freeze Time in Dance

【作者】 吴春燕

【导师】 郭昭明; 方肃;

【作者基本信息】 湖北美术学院 , 摄影表现技法研究, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 美国摄影家洛伊斯·格林菲尔德(Lois Greenfield)的舞蹈摄影不是简单的记录舞蹈,而是以舞蹈的形式来表现时间的概念,她抛开舞蹈家的舞蹈编排设计,通过和舞蹈家的共同合作,为摄影艺术本身的需要进行动作设计,抓拍这些运动过程中的高峰时刻,使得她的作品呈现出强烈的动感。她的作品流露出超现实主义的味道,其实验推开了舞蹈和摄影这两种艺术形式本身的局限,使摄影不再是为舞蹈作记录的形式,舞蹈只是其作品的媒材。格林菲尔德的在舞蹈摄影领域里的研究没有界线,其拍摄的舞蹈,涉及了现代舞、芭蕾舞、弗拉明哥、爱尔兰踢踏舞、街舞、民间舞,更涉及武术、杂技、体操等其它门类,阿尔文·艾利舞团、大卫·帕森斯舞团、澳大利亚舞团、皮罗博勒斯舞蹈剧场、云门舞集、美国舞蹈剧院、比尔·T·琼斯舞团都常年到格林菲尔德的工作室里与其合作。格林菲尔德的舞蹈即人体动作的实验慢慢吸引大量商业用户。从研究实验拍摄舞蹈动作开始,格林菲尔德对于所有的动作瞬间都感兴趣。她的商业客户涉及舞蹈之外各个领域,同时她的作品也经常在美国几大时尚杂志上发表。

【Abstract】 The dance photography of Lois Greenfield does not simply record dance itself, but express the concept of time by photography the form of dance performance. She put aside choreography, cooperating with dancers to design some action for the need of photography, capturing the‘transitional moments’between two‘peak moments’during the whole movement, making her works showing a strong dynamic. In common with the imaginative work of the Surrealists, Greenfield’s experiments push the limits of the boundaries of dance and photography and make her photography not to be merely a handmaiden of the dance to archive someone’s work of art. Dance is her materials for her photography. Her study in dance area has no boundaries. Her dance materials involving not only modern dance, ballet, flamenco, Irish Dance, hip-hop, folk dance but also acrobatics, gymnastics and other categories. Some dance companies come and collaborate to Greenfield’s studio every year, such as Martha Graham, Merce Cunningham, Sydney Dance Company, Alvin Ailey, Paul Taylor and the San Francisco Ballet to the younger generation’s Twyla Tharp, Bill.T.Jones/Arnie Zane, Pilobolus and the Parsons Dance Company etc. Greenfield’s dance photography gradually attracts a lot of commercial clients. Because of her interest on all of human actions, her clients come from every area besides dance, while her works are often published in several major fashion magazines in the United States.


