

The Research of Multi-branch Lamp in Eastern Han Dynasty at Henan Province

【作者】 李雯雯

【导师】 顾平;

【作者基本信息】 上海大学 , 美术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 多枝灯是古代灯具的一种,造型精美,形制复杂。本文尽可能收集已公开披露的有关多枝灯考古资料及中外博物馆藏品,进行全面梳理并结合文献资料对其深入研究。通过对东汉时期河南地区多枝灯形制的分类研究,分析多枝灯的模式化制作,并针对多枝灯的造型来源进行探讨。特别着重分析了多枝灯的性质功能以及多枝灯造型对后期宗教器物的影响,以此突显河南汉墓出土的多枝灯重要地位和深远影响。首先,根据东汉时期河南地区多枝灯的整体造型,托盘的有无,灯盏侧枝的繁简,以及底座造型的变化分为三式五型。其中,河南地区汉墓出土的多枝灯不仅形制复杂,装饰精美,而且较其他地区的灯具更具地方特色,是中原多枝灯的典型代表。其次,分析东汉时期河南汉墓出土的多枝灯造型来源,本文认为自古以来的树崇拜、神仙文化与多枝灯的造型有密切联系。通过对多枝灯的顶盏鸟饰品的考证,花叶的功能研究,进一步明确多枝灯的构件特征。针对河南东汉墓中出现的多枝灯的装饰与其墓葬中的其他明器如陶楼、陶井、博山炉相似。结合史料分析东汉时期河南地区的墓葬明器的模式化生产和消费途径以达到更深入的研究。再次,主要对东汉时期河南地区出土的多枝灯的性质探讨,东汉时期河南汉墓出土的多枝灯形制如树,装饰多贴塑羽人、仙物等。与此同时,在搜集的相关多枝灯的画像石、壁画以及漆画图像中,多枝灯的出现常伴随着西王母、仙人或神龙等祥瑞等形象,显示了东汉时期墓葬中的多枝灯是升仙的一种工具。在此基础上,本文首次以美术史的角度分析了河南地区汉墓出土的多枝灯的位置意义,将器物复原到当时的墓葬环境中,通过对东汉时期河南多枝灯的墓葬中的位置、观看方式以及设计意图反映出东汉时期河南地区的丧葬文化。并通过对道教灯仪与佛教的相关文献的考证,阐述后期的宗教器物对早期多枝灯的形制的吸收和利用,分析了河南地区多枝灯与宗教之间的互动关系。

【Abstract】 Multi-branch lamp is a kind of ancient lamps, fine shape, form complex. This article has been publicly disclosed as much as possible to collect more sticks light on the archaeological data and foreign museum collections, combined with full comb-depth study of its literature. By the Eastern Han Dynasty in Henan classification of multi-branch shapes of light and analyzes the pattern of production of light sticks and branches for more sources of light shape. Special emphasis on analysis of a multi-branch nature of light sticks light in a shape function and multi-religious objects on the impact of late, this highlights the tomb unearthed in Henan branch lights and more important position and far-reaching implications.First, according to the Eastern Han Dynasty in Henan branch lights more than the overall shape, presence or absence of trays, lamps collateral a character, as well as changes in the shape of the base is divided into three in five types. Among them, the tomb unearthed in Henan branch lights is not only more complex shapes, beautifully decorated, but more than other regions of the local characteristics of lamps, light sticks of the Central Plains and more typical.Secondly, the analysis of the Eastern Han Dynasty unearthed in Henan Han sources of light in a shape more branches, the paper that the worship of ancient trees, fairy lights cultural and multi-branch style are closely linked. Eastern Han Tomb in Henan appear for multiple branches of decorative lights in their tombs, such as pottery and other funerary buildings, pottery well, Boshan furnace similar. Combined with historical analysis of the Eastern Han Dynasty tombs in Henan Province clay image of the pattern of production and consumption means to achieve a more in-depth study.Again, the main areas of the Eastern Han Dynasty unearthed in Henan, the nature of light of many branches, the Eastern Han Dynasty unearthed in Henan Han shapes, such as multi-branch tree lights, decorative plastic coated birds and more people, fairy things and so on. At the same time, more branches in the collection of light related to Stone, murals and painting images, often accompanied by the emergence of multi-branch lights with the Queen Mother, and other good fortune, celestial or other image of the dragon, showing the Eastern Han Dynasty tomb in the multi-branch Light is a tool for becoming immortal. On this basis, the paper analyzes the Han Dynasty unearthed in Henan location of multi-branch lights significance of the artifacts recovered to the time of the burial environment, through the Eastern Han Dynasty tombs in Henan and more branches in the location of lights, way of viewing and design intended to reflect the Eastern Han Dynasty burial culture in Henan Province. Light through the instrument of Taoist and Buddhist literature of the research, described the late religious objects on early multi-branch shapes of light absorption and utilization, analysis of multi-branch in Henan light and the interaction between religion.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 上海大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

