

Research on the Safety Performance of a New Energy-saving Fireproof Insulation Board

【作者】 孙琼

【导师】 于敬海;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 结构工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着中国城市化水平的快速发展,房屋建造规模的增大,建筑能耗将最终有可能超越工业、交通运输业等行业而位居首位,因此将建筑节能作为一项基本国策,大力贯彻势在必行。在这样的大环境下,纷纷涌现出大量的节能材料、节能保温墙板等产品,但伴随而来的技术安全问题也是层出不穷,如保温板的脱落现象、耐久性问题,开裂问题、施工质量问题等等,因此,本文根据委托方提供的一种新型复合外保温墙板,研究这种新类型产品所需解决的一系列安全问题,为实际工程应用提供依据。本文第一部分研究了这种全封闭型防火保温装饰一体化板的安全性能,根据这种板的结构以及安装上墙后需承受的荷载状况,设计了板的相关试验,研究了保温装饰一体化板的平面外承载力强度、粘结强度、抗压强度、抗折强度、螺栓挂点剪切强度、螺栓挂点抗拉强度、墙体局部受压强度、穿墙螺栓作用下的砌体抗拉强度、挂装系统强度,试验结果表明在满足基本加工工艺及施工要求的情况下,复合保温外挂板的安全性能基本能够得到保证。第二部分采用大型有限元软件ANSYS进行墙体整体性能的分析,研究不同因素如边界条件、砌体强度、墙体高厚比、拉结筋间距等因素对填充墙平面外承载力、应力应变分布、位移、裂缝形态的影响,分析结果表明:填充墙与四周边界采取良好紧密的连接方式更有助于墙体平面外受力,同时砌体强度的提高、高厚比的减小、拉结筋间距的减小均能提高墙体平面外承载力,并且影响因素高厚比最为显著。最后将有限元分析的结果与试验验结果进行对比,分析其相同点与不同点并针对两者之间的差别分析其原因,并为实际工程应用及后续研究工作提出新的展望。

【Abstract】 With China’s rapid development of urbanization and the increasing scale of housing construction, building energy consumption maybe will have exceeded the industry, transportation and other industries and rank the first place, so it is necessary for building energy efficiency to implement as a national policy. Then technical safety issues such as the insulation board shedding phenomenon, durability problem, crack problem, construction quality problem, etc accompanied by the appearance of energy- saving materials, energy-saving insulation wall products. So in this paper based on the new composite insulation board , it is focused on the safety of this type of product.In the first part, the safety of the new composite insulation board are studied and designed a series of related test, such as plane bearing strength, bond strength, compressive strength, flexural strength, hanging point bolts shear strength and tensile strength, Local compression strength of the wall, tensile strength of masonry with bolt through and hanging system strength. The results show that in the satisfaction of basic processing technology and construction requirements, the safety of the composite insulation board can be guaranteed.In the second part with the finite element analysis software ANSYS, several factors such as boundary condition, strength of masonry, height to thickness ratio, tie bar spacing are took to analysis the overall performance of the wall, included analysis the plane bearing strength, the stress and strain distribution, displacement, crack morphology . And the results show that increasing masonry strength, reducing the height to thickness ratio and tie bar spacing, and making a good close connection between the wall and the boundary around can improve the bearing capacity of the out-of-wall, and the factor height to thickness ratio is the most effective.Finally, comparatively analysis the similarities and differences of finite elements results and text results, then some proposals to practical projects and research new prospects are given.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期
  • 【分类号】TU551;TU545
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】164
  • 攻读期成果

