

Perception and Differentiation Research of Tianjin Features in Block Scale

【作者】 张韵

【导师】 陈天;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 当今社会,城市趋同化的现象十分明显,城市中的特色街区在城市更新的大潮中丧失原有的色彩,有些地区在不断的改造中逐步丧失了自身的特色,与周边地区相差无几,有些地区则由于经营不善而逐步走向衰败,变为亟待改造的城市死角。而城市市民对于城市街区特色认知的缺乏也加剧了这个过程。本次研究着眼于城市特色与人群感知,首先从概念释义、范畴界定、发展历程三个方面对于二者的内涵进行诠释,接下来通过运用实地调研方法以及大量数据的收集、整理,并通过统计学方法对于统计结果进行分析,以居民感知作为衡量标准,对目前天津市内的九个主要街区的现状特色进行评判,并通过分析不同自然属性的人群感知的结果差异,对于特定类别人群对于城市特色街区的感知差异进行判断。根据统计结果的不同,把九个调研对象分为三大类街区:一类特色街区相对居民感知度较好,评价较高;二类特色街区稍次;而三类特色街区居民感知度较差,评价相对亦较低。研究进一步通过对于不同自然属性人群的细分,主要选取年龄、文化程度、居住地及月收入四个方面,通过spss软件分析,对于不同自然属性人群感知与城市街区的风格特征与功能特征之间的相互关系进行研究,进一步阐述其对于政府行为、城市规划行业及市民层面的启示。

【Abstract】 Nowadays , the phenomenon of urban convergence is much more obvious, the block’s feature is constantly fading during the reconstruction of the cities, some unique place become normal, other poor-management place are turning into the slums. People’s lacking of perception to the city also exacerbates the process.The author’s research focuses on the city’s feature and the perception of the citizen. First, the beginning of the thesis contains three parts: Explanation of the concept, definition of the research, history of development. Second, by collecting and listing the data, the author analyze the result of empirical study in statistical methods, using the resident’s experience as the measure, the author then judge the features of nine major blocks in Tianjin. According the difference of the result, the nine major blocks are divided into three groups: Group one’s evaluation is good; Group two is the normal one; Group three is poor. Third the author choose four different factor——age, education, residence, income——to evaluate the diversity of the sense of urban block’s feature and the function by using spss. Fourth the author illustrates the relation between the research and the practice, explains the inspiration to the management of the government, work of urban planning and people’s activity.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

