

Analysis on the Planning and Designing of the Heterotopia Space of the ’Disadvantages’ in America

【作者】 左菲菲

【导师】 邹颖;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑设计及其理论, 2012, 硕士


【摘要】 自上世纪60年代起,国外众多国家大兴“社区发展计划”,孕育出“社区规划”,成为城市规划学科分支之一;与此同时,城市规划中的公众参与也正式作为一个学术命题成长起来,因此也产生社会各界对于“公众参与社区规划”的关注研究及实践。二者看似归属两个学科,但实际相辅相成,密不可分,共有的社会学属性为其交叉点。按照福柯、列斐伏尔等社会学家对于这种社会空间生成的理解,城市空间是社会各利益角色权力较量关系的表征,那么公众参与社区空间生产沿革至今,表象背后的实质——包括政府、社区民众与其他权力角色间的角逐又产生了怎样的转变?原始的自上而下的权力金字塔正在崩塌,转向多元并置对抗格局,作为设计师的我们又要如何面对这场角色的更替?时下,以美国为代表,在一系列在公众参与方面有着先进理论思想与丰富实践经验的国家社会中,以各种非政府组织、非营利性机构引领的自组织社区规划行动正如火如荼的展开,这正是本文的一大切入点。立足于公众参与模式的发展研究,本文摆脱公众参与城市规划单纯的技术层面研究的窠臼,从社会微观权力的视角剖析公众参与背后的深层机制:以美国城市规划中的公众参与模式沿革分化为参照物,通过对比分析我国现阶段社区规划中公众参与的差距与优劣势,研究探索其中的本质问题,并以时代的信息化特征为依据展望未来参与实践之路。围绕这些问题,文章从以下分五部分展开了分析和讨论。第一部分为绪论,提出了研究公众参与城市规划乃至社区规划的缘起,意义的说明以及在此基础上设计的研究框架。第二部分为理论梳理,以20世纪以来国内外对于公众参与城市规划的学术研究理论为主要内容。首先,本章从定义、价值以及社会权力空间等角度对“公众参与”进行概念界定与剖析;其次,本章以历史时间沿革为线索,分国外与国内两个领域列举公众参与在规划领域的重要理论成果。第三部分为实践陈述,着眼20世纪美国的公众参与城市规划乃至社区规划的实践发展历程以及模式转型。借鉴“他组织”与“自组织”这一对哲学概念,本章按照自上而下的传统参与模式与自下而上的新型协作参与模式两种不同社会主体主导的参与类别,通过结合实践案例分析,分别总结其实践经验教训。第四部分为国内现状陈述与分析,观照前文所述的美国参与现状,并引香港这一特殊区域的参与实践作参照对比,分城市规划与社区规划两层面,揭示我国参与规划暂处落后状态的深层机制原因;同时列举国内参与实践中新生的先进案例,探索具有中国特色的参与发展道路。第五部分为补充与总结,首先强调前文所述的新型参与模式的成长中,除新生的社会权力运作机制的内因外,随时代孕育而出的技术力量也是不可忽视的外因,因为作为第一生产力的科技力量是促进生产关系变革的极大助力。最后总结前文所述观点,落脚于“将密度人性化”,提出了通过经验研究与规划设计者的角色转型进一步发展公众参与社区规划乃至城市规划的希望。

【Abstract】 It is until the 1960s that plenty of foreign countries began to develop their ?community development projects?, which gave birth to the ?community planning?, and it has been part of the discipline of Urban Planning ever since. Meanwhile, the public participation in urban planning was then officially established as an academic proposition. Therefore, different sectors of the society have been led to continual concentration, research and practice on the subject of ?public participation in community planning?. It seems that these two words were attached to different disciplines, while as a matter of fact, they complement each other, merge into each other and can hardly be separated from each other. Following the notion of Michel Foucault and Henri Lefebvre on the Production of Space, the space of the city is noted as a representation of SuperiorityofStrength carried among varieties of interests roles. As for the government, the public and other roles, at this moment, what kind of transformation is on the way, being the essence of the evolution of the community space production, in which the people in the community also takes a part? While the original Up Down power pyramid is collapsing, and the social structure has been turning into juxtaposed and contested diversification, how should we designers face the alternation of the characters?As for now, all sorts of self-organized community planning action are undertaken vigorously by different NFO, NGO, in the leading countries on the aspects of the public participation both theoretically and practically, such as America. And this is precisely one big pointcut of this paper. Based upon the development of the public participation pattern, this paper takes the evolution and differentiation of the public participation in urban planning of America as a frame of reference, compared with which we want to research on and discover the innate problem of present domestic public participation in community planning and the distance lied between, meanwhile analyze its advantages and disadvantages. Finally, we are going to vision the feasible public participation practiced in the future, in the light of the informatization of the age. This paper discuss and analyse the points mentioned before in five parts followed. The first part-introduction mainly focuses on the reason for this research and the frame of this research.The second part-theory issue mainly focuses on the theory based on the public participation in urban planning during the 20th century in and abroad. Firstly, this part gives a basic definition to the ?Public Participation? in a point of view of the conception, value and the social power space. Secondly, in two different category, this part sorts those important theory on the public participation in urban planning according to historical progress.The third part-statement on practicing focuses on the development and transformation of public participation in urban planning and community planning in the 20th America. Referencing the philosophical concept-?Heter-organization? and ?Self-organization?, this part discusses the two types-traditional up-down participation pattern and the communicative down-up pattern, and then summarize their experience, combing several cases.The fourth part-statement and analysis on the domestic participation status quo, citing the practice of participation in America and Hong Kong, proclaim the inside mechanism factor for the temporary backwardness of the domestic public participation at the urban and community levels.The fifth part-complement and summary stresses the assignable technical force as an external cause for the growth of the communicative participation pattern, besides the internal cause of the social power mechanism, as the No.1 productive force extraordinarily promote the evolution of relations of production. Finally summarizing all the standpoints above, this part ends on ?humanizing the density?, keeping counting on improve the public participation in community and urban planning ulteriorly, through researching on lessons and experience and transforming the role of designers.

【关键词】 异质性公众参与权力社区规划
【Key words】 HeterogeneousPublic ParticipationPowerCommunity Planning
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

