

A Study on the Presentation of Grand Sites with the Site Presentation and Utilization Planning of Yuanmingyuan

【作者】 杨晓青

【导师】 王蔚; 张凤梧;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 建筑历史与理论, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 大遗址是构成世界古代文明史迹的主体,具有不可估量的历史、科学与艺术价值。将遗址更好地展示给公众,促进公共鉴赏,是在世界范围内更好地实现大遗址保护的关键。中国古建筑遗址大多以土遗址为主,其遗存主要是一些石质台基、夯土基础,以及散落的石质构件,等等。它们很难形象地将相应历史阶段的信息形象地传递给公众。近年来,国家越来越重视对大遗址的展示,然而,由于土遗址能传达的信息量有限,相关管理部门虽然投入了高昂的人力物力,展示效果也多不理想。本文的主要研究主旨是,借鉴国内外文化遗址保护、展示理论与实践经验,在明确我国大遗址概念的基础上,探讨有关价值评估、展示原则和目标,以及展示方式等问题,探索适于我国大遗址展示的新思路和新方法,深化相关研究,建立具有规范性和普遍指导意义的理论框架。首先,针对圆明园遗址专项展示与利用规划的需要,梳理了相关国际组织、会议文献中的遗址展示理念与发展脉络,归纳了欧美及日本的展示实践特色,为借鉴他人经验,探索和解决我国大遗址“展示难”的问题,奠定了较充分的理论与实践支撑。其次,结合对我国大遗址概念、大遗址分类的分析,对更好地实现遗址展示所需要的价值评估,进行了综合研究梳理。作为进一步的基础工作,论文对第一个专门针对文化遗产展示的国际共识——国际古迹遗址理事会《“文化遗产地的阐释和展示”宪章》中的术语、基本原则和目标,进行深入解析,将适用于改善中国遗址展示的内容吸收和转化,探索了大遗址动态展示的理论依据。进而,对大遗址动态展示活动中的遗址本体展示、解说,以及知名度提高等三个重要方面,分别给予阐述。最后,将以上述内容所建构的理论思路和实践方法结合实际,应用到圆明园遗址展示与利用规划研究中。在总体展示规划探索外,还对其“武陵春色”、“蓬岛瑶台”两个遗址个案的展示规划作了更具体的调研和设计。尝试通过实际项目,应用上述理论与实践借鉴研究的成果。

【Abstract】 Grand sites are the main part of the world ancient civilization. They have inestimable historical, scientific and artistic value. The key to the better protection of the world’s grand sites are that communicating the grand sites to public and facilitating appreciation.In China, most sites of ancient buildings are earthen sites, mainly stone base, earthen foundations and scattered stone artifacts, and so on. They are very difficult to communicate the information in corresponding stage to the public. In recent years, Countries pay more and more attention to the presentation of the grand sites. However, due to earthen sites cannot interpretation all of the information, although relevant departments invest high human and material resources, most of the presentation result were not with ideal.The main theme of this study are that, on the basis of clear idea of grand sites, explored their value assessment, presentation principles and goals and methods, found out the new ideas and new methods of the presentation for grand sites, deepen the related research, built theoretical framework with normative and universal significance by drawing lessons from domestic and international protection and presentation theories and experiences for worldwide cultural heritage.First, according to the needs of Yuanmingyuan Site Presentation and Utilization Planning, clarified the presentation concept and development direction in related international organizations and conference literatures and summarized the Europe, the United States and Japan practice characteristics. All the works laid adequate theoretical and practical support for solving the presentation“difficult”problem in grand sites.Second, analyzed concept and classification of grand sites to better study value assessment of the need of presentation. As a further basic work, the thesis specifically conducted in-depth analysis in the first international consensus– the ICOMOS Charter for the Interpretation and Presentation of Cultural Heritage Sites, such as terminology, basic principles and objectives. It would be the accordance what was applied to improve the content of Chinese grand sites presentation by absorbing and translating related contents. Furthermore, elaborated three important aspects of the dynamic presentation activities included the presentation of site, interpretation and the fame popularity. Finally, the theoretical and practices constructed were applied to the Yuanmingyuan Site Presentation and Utilization Planning. In addition, we made more specific research program and design to presentation cases,“Wuling Spring”and“Pengdaoyaotai”sites. Through practical projects test the achievement, the theory and practice.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

