

Research on the Adaptability of Crane Barges to the South China Sea

【作者】 邳帅

【导师】 黄衍顺;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 船舶与海洋工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着海洋工程开发事业的不断完善以及海上资源勘探和开采的需要,对海上大型设备的需求越来越高,起重船作为海洋工程设施建设的主力工程船舶,可用于港口船舶装卸、造船工业、海洋石油平台安装、海洋交通运输、水下救援等,是全方位开发海洋必不可少的工具,但随着起重能力的增大,对允许作业海况下的船舶性能也提出更高的要求。本文针对此问题,密切联系工程实际,研究起重船对作业海况的适用性研究,保证其在外作业的安全。使用MOSES软件,运用三维势流理论建立起重船模型,计算分析船舶在满载吃水下的稳性、强度以及不同浪向角下的运动响应。首先,利用两参数威布尔分布对海况进行统计处理,得出各海况参数的规律;其次,计算起重船在航行过程中的稳性及预估船舶在规则波系泊下运动和波浪载荷;第三,计算全年各月特定海况环境下起重船作业及待命状态时,在不规则波中系泊下的运动状态,以受力和运动等准则确定起重船能承受的海洋环境条件;最后,以每月的海况统计资料确定起重船在作业点的作业和待命概率,判断其对海况的适用性。本文做出的适用性研究结果,对同类船舶在沿海海域进行起重作业时的适用性研究和实际工程进展提供了理论及计算方法,有一定的参考作用和工程实用价值。

【Abstract】 With the development of marine engineering and the decreasing exploration of maritime resources, the demand of large equipments in the sea is more and more higher. Crane barges, as a main marine engineering construction, can be used to loading and unloading of ship, shipbuilding industry, installation of offshore oil platform, marine transportation, rescue under wanter and so on, which show that they are the necessary tools for ocean development. But with the increase lifting capacity, the crane stability in allowed operation ocean condition also put forward higher request. This topic contacts the engineering practice and reaseaches on the adaptive ocean condition of crane so as to ensure the safety condition of the operation.According to the issue above, the model of crane barge is built in the Three Dimension Diffraction Theory and by the software MOSES. Then stability, longitudinal strength and motion amplitude in different heading angles in load draft are calculated and analyzed. Firstly, according to Weibull distribution with two parameters, the sea statistical conditions are processing and obtain the regular pattern of sea parameters. Secondly, the crane stability in the navigation, the motion and wave load in regular waves are estimated and calculated. Thirdly, the calculation of motion in irregular wave of operation and standby state in specific sea environment throughout the year, is compared with the force and motion criteria. Then the allowed marine environment conditions of crane are determined. Finally, the operation and standby probability of crane in special location are determined by the monthly sea statistics, which can judge the adaptability to the sea condition. The analysis menthod and conclusions in the paper are applicable and value to the practical research on the lifting operations of the same kind ships in coastal area.

【关键词】 起重船MOSES软件南海海况适用性
【Key words】 crane bargesMOSESsouth seaocean conditionadaptability
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

