

Research on the Selection and Application of Evergreen Landscapeplant in Tianjin City

【作者】 罗开喜

【导师】 刘莉; 张秦英;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 风景园林, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 我国北方冬季寒冷,日照时间短,植物随着气温的降低而进入休眠期,大部分树木只剩下光秃的树干,并呈现一片灰暗的褐色,使人感觉冷清而单调。因而,适当选择并栽种一些体现富有变化、展示园林景观的常绿园林植物显得尤为重要。天津作为北方重要的港口城市,环渤海经济中心区域,应大力推进市容环境综合整治工程,加快园林绿化事业发展,重视四季景观的营造。为丰富天津冬季植物景观,相关学者曾开展了常绿园林植物的栽植品种、出现频率等研究。但缺少对常绿园林植物的选择、配置应用、景观评价、生长状况及养护管理等工作的系统研究。本文在结合前人的研究基础上,重点从常绿园林植物的选择、应用及景观评价等方面进行了研究,以期丰富天津冬季植物景观营造的效果。1、通过实地调查和台帐调查两种方式,分析得出天津地区室外可栽培常绿园林植物有59种(类),其中常见栽培品种10种、有栽培品种11种、偶见栽培品种38种;结合市园林专家以前的研究,预计天津地区可栽培的常绿园林植物将有70余种。2、研究表明,为合理配置园林植物,常绿乔木与落叶乔木之比宜为1:2.4,常绿灌木与落叶灌木之比宜为1:3,乔木与灌木之比不低于1:3。3、采用SBE法对常绿园林植物冬、夏季景观进行评价,结果表明:影响夏季景观的主要因子为植物观赏色彩数量、颜色对比度、常绿植物树形种类、常绿落叶比及主要常绿植物树形等;影响冬季景观的主要因子为常绿落叶比、园路景石等人工设施、常绿植物树形种类、植物生长状况等。进行常绿植物景观应用时,在保证植物生长势的基础上,通过增加植物色彩种类、加强颜色对比、丰富树形特征、适当降低常绿植物和落叶植物的比例、并点缀适当的园林景石、甬路、小品等人工设施可以很好的增加常绿园林植物景观的观赏效果,满足大众的需求。4、总结了适宜各种配置方式的常绿植物种类,为弥补常绿园林植物种类少的不足,造景时可以利用大叶黄杨、小叶黄杨、桧柏、北海道黄杨等多种常绿园林植物耐修剪特性,以球、篱、模纹图案及其它造型进行栽种,可增加城市园林绿地中的常绿园林植物数量。5、要重视常绿园林植物的日常养护管理,科学安排浇水、施肥、修剪、防寒等养护技术措施,努力提高常绿园林植物的生长势,确保常绿园林植物在冬季能继续吸尘、净化空气、美化环境等效果。

【Abstract】 In North China, the public would feel like boring and longly when they saw that most of the trees in the picture of bare and brown trunk and branchs as they entered the dormant period due to the low temperature and short sunshine in winter. So it was very important to chose and plant the evergreen landscape plants for riching the landscape. Tianjin, as an important port city and the economic zone in Bohai Area, should be made more efforts to improve the urban enviroment and pay more attention to build nice landscape in the whole year.To rich the winter landscape plants in Tianjin, some scholars have researched the choice of plant species and frequency of evergreen garden planting and so on. However, it was short of the systematic studies on the evergreen garden plant selection, application, landscape evaluation, growth, maintanence and management. In this paper, it was studied on the choice of evergreen plant, application and landscape evaluation based on the existing researches in order to make vivily landscape in winter. The results showed as follows.1. There were 59 species of evergreen landscape plants in Tianjin area though field survey and account investigation, including of 10 common cultivars species, 11 less common cultivated species and 38 rare cultivars species. And it was estimated that there were more than 70 species of evergreen plants combined with the results of further studied.2. For the rational design of garden plants, the study show that the ratio of evergreen trees to deciduous trees was 1:2.4, the ratio of evergreen shrubs to deciduous shrub was 1:3, and the ratio of trees to shrubs was not less than 1:3.3. For the evaluation on the evergreen plants landscape in wintetr and summer by the SBE method, the study show that the main factors affecting the summer landscape were the number of plant colors, the contrast in colors, the shapes of evergreen tree, the ratio of evergreen to deciduous plants and the shape of main tree etc..And the main factor affected the winter landscape were the ratio of evergreen to deciduous plant, the artificial facilities, the shape of evergreen tree and the growth conditions. Based on the ensure of plant growth heathly, the landscape with the evergreen plants could be nice enough to attract the public by increasing plants color species, highlighting landscape color contrasts, enriching tree sharp features, reducing the ratio of evergreen to deciduous plants , and decorating the artificial facilities such as landscape stones, roads and so on.4. Plant species such as Euonymus japonicus, Buxus sinica, Sabina chinensis, Euonymus japonicas var. littleleaf could be cut in ball, fence or mold patterns to making up for short of the evergreen plant species and rich the scenes in urban green space.5. It should pay much attention to the daily maintanence of evergreen landscape plants, included the scientific arrangement of watering, pruning, preventing from cold and so on, which ensured the evergreen plants in good conditions to purify the air and beautify the scene.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期

