

Construction and Application of Fangshan Soil Resources Management Information System

【作者】 仉立民

【导师】 喻梅; 杨宝祝;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 软件工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 课题按照房山区都市型现代农业发展的需要,搜集整理了房山区大量的耕地资源方面的相关历史档案资料和最新的测土配方施肥调查数据,并对各类信息资料进行了数字化,特别是抢救和保护了房山区第二次土壤普查大量珍贵的档案资料,并制作完成了房山区1:5万数字土壤图,为今后房山区耕地土壤资源的科学规划利用提供了重要的基础图件,具有十分重要的意义。课题按照农业部数字土壤系统数据字典规定的技术规范,构建了包括第二次土壤普查背景数据和测土配方施肥最新调查数据在内的标准数据库,实现了房山区耕地资源信息的数字化、系统化和标准化管理。在系统数据库基础上结合房山区耕地土壤管理需要,构建了地图查询浏览管理、土壤地力评价、适宜性评价、土壤特性、统计分析、肥力监测、推荐施肥和数据更新等八大功能的专业版信息系统,为房山区耕地资源信息的分析管理提供了平台支持,为相关成果信息的对外服务发布奠定了技术基础。在专业版系统基础上,围绕信息“易查易得和易掌握”的三易原则,构建了房山区网络版信息发布系统,为领导宏观决策提供丰富而专业的信息支持,为基层农民科学施肥提供了简单易行的决策参考。同时,研究制定了《房山区耕地地力评价技术规程》(草案),为房山区耕地土壤地力水平的分等评价提供了技术标准。根据《房山区耕地地力评价技术规程》,开展了房山区耕地地力评价工作,并形成了成果图册,为本区耕地的分等管理与改良建设提供了依据。系统的建成应用为房山区耕地科学推荐施肥提供了技术支持,已不断得到应用。

【Abstract】 In this study, in accordance with the needs of Fangshan District Urban agriculture development, we collected ,sorted out and digitized a lot of archives and the latest land soil resources survey datas related land resources in Fangshan District, particularly rescued and protected a large number of valuable datas of the Fangshan District. Finally, we finished 1:50000 digital soil map of Fangshan District, which provided an important basis map for the utilization of land at the district level.In this study, a standard database of land resource information was builded, which including the latest soil survey testing data in Fangshan District. And Fangshan District soil resource management information system was constructed, which including eight functional modules such as map query and view management, soil fertility evaluation, suitability evaluation, soil characteristics, statistical analysis, fertility monitoring, recommended fertilization and data update. Based on this professional version of the system, Fangshan District online soil resource management information distribution platform was constructed, which could help leadership to make macro-decision, and recommend fertilizer formula for farmers.At the same time, Fangshan District Evaluation of Farmland Technical Specification (Draft) was formulated. According to the standard, the work of evaluation of farmland in Fangshan District was finished, and formed the achievement atlas. The constrction of the system could support scientifically fertilizer recommendation in Fangshan District. And the system had been applied step by step.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 08期

