

The Research on the Energy-saving and Reform Planning of Jinzhou Petrochemical Company

【作者】 杜松威

【导师】 刘应宗; 景玉忠;

【作者基本信息】 天津大学 , 工业工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 锦州石油化工厂是我国特大型石油化工燃料型企业,隶属于中国石油天然气集团公司。现有生产装置85套,原油加工能力达到750万吨/年。炼油综合能耗原油新鲜水消耗量,与国内先进水平相比,还有较大差距。本文运用工程管理理论和系统分析方法,对该厂“十一五”节能情况进行了分析,提出今后节能改造规划建议。锦州石油化工厂“十一五”节能取得的成绩,是实现瓦斯全面脱硫,完善了余热回收系统的引风机、鼓风机机的变频器,各装置间的低温热得到了充分的利用,能量系统优化取得了较大进步;出现的问题是加热炉热效率低,高耗能机泵大量存在,能量的系统优化不足。蒸汽系统改造节能规划,提出蒸汽系统改造节能的重点是装置热联合、装置间热进料,并对可能的节能效果进行了测算。装置热联合,是挖潜热水使用用户(热阱)和潜在的热能潜力。装置间热进料,目的是降低原料预热需要的热负荷。蒸汽系统优化节能规划,提出蒸汽管网优化、蒸汽使用节约、工艺优化节汽和蒸汽凝结水回收的节能方案,并对工艺优化可能的节能效果进行了测算。指出蒸汽用量节约,主要是利用低温进行工艺伴热以节约蒸汽用量,合理优化蒸汽伴热流程以节约蒸汽耗量。装置操作节能规划,提出主要是装置操作优化和强化装置操作管理节能。装置操作优化,主要是分馏塔操作优化、氢油比控制和提高焦化装置的液体收率,并对优化方案进行了分析,可能带来的节能效果进行了测算。强化装置操作管理节能,主要是强化节能意识而使节能成为习惯,强化培训以提高操作水平。

【Abstract】 Along with the rapid and sustained economic development, the processing quantity of crude oil within the refineries in China has been rising. Almost all the refineries are suffering from the pressure for energy conservation. By means of the management strengthen and unit optimization, almost every refinery is searching for the solution to guarantee the energy conservation on the process and equipment basement. Accompanied with the problem for the energy system optimization, the enterprise will be led to this road.Jinzhou petrochemical Company is the 70-year enterprise of long standing, with the great-progress energy conservation, the improved thermal efficiency of heating furnaces, the transform of the high charging pumps, the utilization of the low-heat, the realization of the hot feedstock and vapor dynamic system. For the energy conservation management, the technical operation of the staff has been improved with the raised consciousness. Jinzhou Petrochemical Company has reach the goal for the energy conservation with the technical energy conservation and management aspect.Jinzhou petrochemical Company realized the aims for the energy optimization by means of the management strengthen and unit optimize. With the sustained boost of the energy conservation and training of the talents within this aspect, the Company will make further efforts for energy conservation work ,and to be the perfect refinery.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 天津大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2012年 07期
  • 【分类号】F426.72;F206
  • 【下载频次】149

