

Through-the-Wall Radar Signal Processing Techniques and Its Implementation

【作者】 刘颉武

【导师】 朱国富;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 信息与通信工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 穿墙探测技术可在军事、反恐、灾后搜索等场合发挥重要作用。以穿墙雷达技术为代表的穿墙探测技术是近年来生命探测技术研究的前沿和热点。本文以穿墙雷达一维系统信号处理理论为基础,重点研究了穿墙雷达模型和信号处理关键技术,包括杂波抑制及目标检测算法的系统总结与改进、穿墙雷达实时处理软件的设计与实现。主要工作如下:1、建立了穿墙雷达基本模型,给出了信号处理基本流程,介绍了IR-UWB信号形式及色散补偿方法、杂波抑制算法及RFI干扰抑制方法。2、系统地分析了现有的杂波抑制算法,提出了杂波抑制算法的统一模型,并在此基础上对自适应背景相消算法的模型进行了归纳总结。3、提出了一种基于初步检测的杂波抑制算法。该方法在经典的指数加权算法的处理结果的基础上,对不同距离单元进行实时加权处理。实验表明,改进型算法的杂波抑制效果较经典算法好,在较近的探测距离内各种运动类型目标的探测中表现比较理想,适用性较强。本文进而将上述方法应用于目标检测,改善了穿墙雷达动目标检测效果。4、从雷达系统的需求特别是实时处理能力出发,设计并实现了超宽带穿墙雷达实时处理软件。软件以LabWindows/CVI 9.0为平台,实现了对雷达系统的控制,很好地完成了各类实验任务。以上研究和工作成果均成功应用于某超宽带穿墙雷达实验系统,经过实测数据验证,取得了很好的实际应用效果。

【Abstract】 Through-the-wall detection technique has a variety of potential applications in military, antiterrorism and search-and-rescue work in emergencies, and through-the-wall detection technique based on radar has been a research hotspot for a few years.This paper mainly studies the signal processing model and technique of through-the-wall radar, such as clutter suppression algorithms, moving target detection methods, radar software design and implementation.Firstly, the one-dimension radar model for signal processing technique is analyzed and classical methods in dispersion compensation, clutter suppression and radio frequency interference suppression are discussed.Secondly, the comparison and unification of classical algorithms in clutter compensation is deeply researched. Two-pulse canceler, accumulative average background subtraction and exponential moving average background subtraction are analyzed and a simple model is proposed to unite the three classical algorithms. With the algorithm model, adaptive background subtraction methods are studied. For these methods are not effective enough, this paper brings forward a novel clutter suppression algorithm in order to reduce clutter.Then, this paper has compared the classical algorithms in target detection and proposed an improved method, which makes a good performance in a certain range behind the wall. All of the algorithms in clutter compensation and target detection are based on real experimental data of through-the-wall radar investigated.Lastly, a through-the-wall radar software is designed and implemented to meet the demand of radar system for signal processing in real time. Based on virtual instrument technology and ultra-wideband through-the-wall radar experimental system, the software makes a good practical application and the scalability feature is significant for the design and optimization of the experimental system and algorithms.


