

Research on Cultivation of Learning Motivation for Technical Cadet

【作者】 李佩江

【导师】 武小悦;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 公共管理, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 随着我国综合国力的不断增强和国家利益的不断拓展,我军对于高素质新型军事人才的需求愈发紧迫。作为我军人才培养的主要源头,军校教育正受到越来越多的重视。本文立足于军校教育中对军校学员的学习动力培养这一重要方面,通过文献综合、问卷调查、座谈了解、统计分析等一系列方法,获取和研究了大量的军校学员学习动力培养的一线资料,对提升军校学员对学习动力提出了若干对策。本文总结了学习动力培养问题的现有研究成果和黄埔军校、西点军校和清华大学学习动力培养的经验。以需求理论和激励理论为依据,将学习动力分为内部动力和外部动力,阐述了学习内部动力和学习外部动力的内涵和相互关系。在此基础上使用德尔菲法构建了军校学员学习动力指标体系,从内部动力和外部动力这两方面将军校学员学习动力对指标细化。对国防科学技术大学学员进行了调查,指出学员学习动力培养存在的主要问题表现在学习动力的来源存在偏差、学习目的不明确、学习动力不够持久、学习主动性不强等方面。并从提升教育者对学员学习动力认知、学员队管理、教学体系三个方面提出了提升军校学员学习动力的对策,提出了利用PDCA循环实施学员学习动力提升管理的方法,并详细探讨了该方法的计划、执行、检查、总结四个阶段。还结合工作实践对文中提到的提升学员学习动力的对策与建议进行了试验。

【Abstract】 As the comprehensive national power strenghens and the national interests grows, the need of qualified military personnel become much more urgent. The military education, as the primary source of personnel training source, is getting more and more attention. This paper focuses on the important aspect of academic motivation cultivation of military education, taking methods of literature synthese, surveying, colloquium and statistical analysis, acquires a quantity of first-hand resources about millitary cultivation of learning motivation based on the division of learning motivation into intrinsic and extrinsic.This paper has studied and concluded the learning motivation cultivating mechanism of Huangpu Millitary Academy, West Point and Tsinghua University. We devided learning motivation into intrinsic and extrinsic based on the theory of demand and inspiration, then explained the signification and relationship between different academic motivations.Then we use Delphi Method to construct the measure system of learning motivation, and make clear the learning motivation rating scheme for millitary education. The existed problems and resolutions had been proposed according to the analysis of current situation on cadet’s academic motivation. A sample of cadets from National University of Defense Technology have been studied, and the results show that the problem of lack of learning motivations symtomized by biased motivation resources, vague targets, non-lasting motivation and weak initialtive. Propose policy for enhancing the academic motivation of cadets from the aspects of raising the educators’perceiving of academic motivation, the cadet corps management and education system. Furthermore, we propose a method based on PDCA to manage the cultivation of millitary academic motivation, and studied the four steps, i.e. plan, do, check, act, in detail. With the wording practice during the research, the countermeasures and suggestions of academic motivation enhancement we proposed was verified and tested in the end.


