

Technology Breakdown Structure Method Study Based on the Co-Word Analysis

【作者】 王浩

【导师】 李自力;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 项目管理, 2005, 硕士

【摘要】 技术分解结构是将复杂的技术分解为相对简单的子技术。随着以“技术知识爆炸”、“技术加速扩散”和“技术全球化”为特征的“新经济时代”的来临,建立在信息技术、生物技术和其他学科发展基础之上的高新技术正在向规模化、集成化、复杂化方向发展,给技术评估、技术选择和技术投资等带来巨大困难。如果能够将这些大型复杂技术分解为较为简单的子技术,再对其进行研究,对已经成熟的子技术少考虑或不考虑,重点攻关不成熟的子技术,则可以大幅减少工作量。本文提出技术分解结构,将理论、模型与实证分析融为一体,从共词分析的角度对技术分解结构进行判断与分析,建立了基于共词分析的技术分解结构的构建框架,将较为复杂的技术转化为相对简单的子技术,再进行分析识别,可部分达到降低技术复杂性的目的。本文首先通过文献检索工具对技术的文献进行检索,然后抽取出关键词,利用齐普夫定律推导出关键词选取公式确定样本关键词的个数,再根据包容性指数生成关键词共现相关矩阵,最后利用多元统计分析对相关矩阵进行分析,得出最终的技术分解结构。最后,通过对智能电网领域的实证研究,较好的验证了本文提出的技术分解结构的可操作性。

【Abstract】 Since 1990s, with the upcoming of the New Economic Era featured as the knowledge explosion, accelerated diffusion and globalization of technology, the emerging technology based on IT, Bio Technology and so on had been shortening the time interval between the laboratory and the market. Each breakthrough of the technology has brought people with a revolutionary change. It is a critical factor for a developing county to identify the technology and enter the new area of the it as soon as possible.This thesis proposes the Technology Breakdown Structure (TBS), and makes the judgment and analysis of the TBS from the angle of co-word analysis. In order to reduce the complexity of the technology in part, the complicated technology is broken down into some simple child-technology for analysis, and the constructing framework of the TBS based on co-word analysis is established. At first, using the documents retrieving tools, the technology document are retrieved. The using the Law Zipf, the keywords are abstracted and the number of the keywords is determined by the Formula Keywords Abstracting. Thirdly, the keyword co-relative matrix is created based on the inclusion index. At last, by analyzing the co-relative matrix using multi-state statistic analysis, the final Technology Breakdown Structure is achieved.Using a demonstration research on the Smart Grid, the ETBS evaluation framework is validated.

  • 【分类号】E91;TP391.1
  • 【下载频次】94

