

A Research of Maintenance Policy on an Automatic Fire Extinguishing and Explosion Suppression Device

【作者】 付舜尧

【导师】 金光;

【作者基本信息】 国防科学技术大学 , 项目管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 某型自动灭火抑爆装置是我军目前几种主战装甲装备的重要电气设置之一,对抑制反坦克武器对装甲车辆的“二次毁伤效应”,提高车内乘员生存能力及其他电气设备可修复性起着关键作用。该型装置具有技术含量高、结构复杂的特点,多年以来,由于部队训练课目原因涉及到灭火抑爆装置的使用较少,该装置故障逐步累积,部分部件老化现象严重,装备完好率逐年下降,加之师旅级修理分队中自动灭火抑爆专业维修技术力量有限,直接影响了装甲装备的战场防护能力。因此,对该型装置进行系统的故障分析,优化装备维修方案,对提高该类装备完好性、有效降低其寿命周期费用,具有非常重要的现实指导价值。首先,对某型自动灭火抑爆装置工作原理及故障类型分析研究,采用故障树分析、故障模式及其影响分析的方法,分析装备故障的原因和形成机理,明确各关键部件的主要故障模式。其次,采用逻辑决断方法对该型自动灭火抑爆装置的维修方式及其决策问题进行研究。第三,通过收集和分析该型装备在实践中所积累的故障和维修数据,采用数理统计方法建立其关键部件故障发生时间的数学模型,并以插线座、灭火器总成等关键部件为例进行了分析,得出该装备的故障规律。最后,依据可用度和费用要求等装备维修原则以及该型装备的实际,采用数学优化方法研究该型自动灭火抑爆装置的预防性维修周期优化问题,给出关键部件的最优预防性维修周期。在以上研究工作的基础上,制订该型自动灭火抑爆装置的维修方案,有效解决了该型装备的维修决策问题,为对该型装备维修的有效管理提供了重要依据。

【Abstract】 An automatic fire extinguishing and explosion suppression device is one of the important electrical sets of main battle armored equipments in our army. It plays a crucial role in suppression the second destruction effect from anti-tank weapons to armored vehicles and improving the vitality of passengers and reparability of other electrical equipments. The type of device is produced with high technical content and structure complex. For many years, because of army training courses, this type of device is rarely used. As a result, as the fault has more and more defects, ageing phenomenon of some parts are serious and Materiel readiness rate gradually decline. In addition, the technical force of division brigade level repair unit is limited in professional maintenance automatic fire extinguishing and explosion suppression, it directly influence battle defense ability of armored equipments. Therefore, the analysis of the fault of device and proposal of maintenance of equipment has instructive and practical value.Firstly, as for the research of operating principle and fault type of the device, the thesis adopt fault tree analysis and fault model and its impact analysis to analyze the reasons of fault in mechanization and define the main default model of each part. Secondly, logic determination method is used to analyze the way of maintenance and its decision problem of the device. Thirdly, on the basis of collecting and analyzing the fault and maintenance data which is accumulated in practice, the regular pattern of the fault is concluded through mathematical model of the time of fault in key parts such as thrust line, fire extinguisher assemble by mathematical statistics. Finally, according to the principle and practice of the device such as availability, all-in cost and so on, preventive maintenance cycle optimization problems and the best preventive maintenance cycle of the device is suggested by mathematical optimization method.On the basis of the research above, formulating maintenance plans of the device solve the decision problems in maintenance effectively and provide significant information in effective management of the device.


