

Production Analyse and Improvement for Shock Absorbers by TOC

【作者】 黄明松

【导师】 杨东; 唐经球;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工业工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 多品种小批量的调度问题一直是各位研究者值得探讨的问题。面对各自不同的应用环境,每个人都提出相当有创造性的方案,但是,由于问题的复杂性和世界的多样性,始终有各种各样的新的问题出现,或者说有更好的方案出现。本文作者根据自己的亲身的管理体会,在一个以生产减震器为主的生产企业,在生产调度陷入僵局的情况下,采用了TOC的理论来指导改善工作。TOC理论强调妥善的冲突处理,作者运用TOC的思维方法,对存在的冲突进行了分析,求同存异,使得公司内部人员能够统一方向,团结所有可以团结的力量,同时,运用TOC的思维方法,作者找到了问题的根本原因,同时也指出了改善的方向。作者使用五步法来找出瓶颈,充分运用瓶颈的既有能力,同时设法改善瓶颈。在整个车间内,瓶颈工位和非瓶颈工位之间通过DBR的方法来协调运作,使得减震器的生产能力得到改善与提高。本文从生产实际出发,建立了多品种小批量生产环境下的工作时间的数学计算模型,同时尊重经验,以经验和数据结合的方式实施了TOC的调度方案,提高了管理效率、生产效率及准时交货率。通过实施TOC,几个根本原因都得到逐步有效的改善。TOC的理论方法使得企业的竞争能力得到提高。通过这个例子,可以证明TOC是生产管理上的有效的管理方法。同时,TOC也要求不断的持续改进,相信通过不间断的基于TOC的改进,该公司能够取得更好的成绩。

【Abstract】 Production scheduling for small quantities but many varieties products is a topic that a lot of scholars are discovering. For different application, everyone has his own creative solution. But, because of the complexity of this topic and varieties of our world, always some new ideals come out to solve this or that new specific issue.The author is working for a manufacturing factory that produces shock absorber. And when the production scheduling got stuck, the author improved it with TOC theory and together with his experience.According to TOC, the company need pay attention to the confliction. The author made the analysis for the confliction by the method from TOC theory and made the whole team untied together to work for same target. From the analysis, the author got the root causes and also found where the company need improve.By 5 steps of TOC theory, the author found the bottle neck, and handled the bottle neck and improved the bottle neck. And DBR is the method to be used to coordinate among all the operations including the bottle neck and Non-bottle neck operation. Finally the situation of production is improved step by step by the application of TOC theory.Based on the real production situation, we create the mathematic model to calculate the working time for this specific environment, which is one kind of small quantities but many varieties. Meanwhile, we united the working experience and the data calculated and finally set the TOC scheduling system. The key is to improve the management efficiency, production efficiency and on time delivery and we arrived that point.During the TOC trial in this damper manufacturing company, the root causes which stuck the production scheduling got improved and the company became more competitive gradually in its industry. In this case, it is proved TOC is a capable theory for the manufacturing system. And in TOC theory, continuous improvement is also one of the key points. We believe this damper company could get much more benefit through the continuous TOC implementation.

【关键词】 多品种小批量TOCDBR系统
【Key words】 Job-lot manufacturingTOCDBR

