

Study on "个" as an Individual Classifier

【作者】 洪琳

【导师】 凌德祥;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 语言学及应用语言学, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 “个”的个化现象问题的研究,始于黎锦熙、刘世儒两位先哲。他们最早提出个化(“个”的“泛化”或“泛指”)概念,用来指现代汉语个体量词“个”的越界使用、取代其他量词的现象。鉴于已有研究的成就与不足,本文拟在学界已有研究的基础上对“个”的共时分布环境进行考察,探讨现代汉语中是否存在或在多大程度上存在个化现象及其认知机制;从历时角度考察个化的发展演变轨迹,以便与个化的共时现象互相参照。全文包括如下六章。第一章“绪论”,主要包括选题及依据,已有研究综述,本文工作思路,理论基础、研究方法、语料。第二章“从量词类别角度看个化范围”,首先在已有诸多量词分类系统的基础上提出一个新的分类系统,然后在此基础上讨论哪些量词可以被个化,哪些量词不可以被个化。第三章“从名词类别角度看个化范围”,主要运用CCL数据库分别对称谓名词、建筑与处所名词、动物名词、植物名词、物体名词和抽象名词等六类一一进行随机检索,考察各自能否与“个”搭配组合以及与之搭配组合的范围、频次。第四章“影响个化范围的其他语言因素”,分别讨论数词、指示代词、歧义现象、同音现象以及语体对个化范围的影响。第五章“个化的历时轨迹简论”,依次考察了东汉及以前、魏晋南北朝、唐五代时期、宋元时期、明代和清代等六个历史阶段中个化的范围变化情况。第六章“结语”对全文做出归纳总结。文末另有三个附录:依次是房玉清《实用汉语语法》所收个化名词、吕叔湘《现代汉语八百词》所收个化名词和何杰《现代汉语量词研究》所收个化名词。

【Abstract】 The study of“the uses extension of GE”began from Jinxi Li and Shiru Liu. They are the first to define the concept of GE, which indicates the phenomenan that classiffier GE often replacing other classiffiers in use in modern Chinese. Based on the current study, the article aims to test the extent of GE in modern Chinese by comprehensively inspecting the distribution of GE. Meanwhile, the article tries to describe the historical trace of GE. Then we will give the cognative explanation.Chapter 1, Introduction, selected topic and its foundation, summarizing existing reseach, the idea of the article, theory basis, research method, liguistic data.Chapter 2, Analyzing the distribution of GE from the pespective of classiffier category. Proposing a new category system based on various classiffier classifying systems. According to the new system, discussing which classiffier can be replaced by GE.Chapter 3, Analyzing the distribution of GE from the pespective of Noun category. Extracting six kinds of nouns at random, such as appelletion nouns, location nouns, animal nouns, plant nouns, object nouns, abstract nouns. Inspceting the possibility of matching GE with them, and the range and frequency of matching possibility.Chapter 4, other liguistic elements that affecting the distribution of GE, including numeral, demonstrative pronoun, ambiguity of words, phenomenon of homophone, and style of liguistic.Chapter 5, the development track of GE in Chinese history. Insepcting the range change of GE from Han Dynasty, Wei-Jin- the South–the North Dynastys, Tang Dynasty and the Five Dynastys to Song and Yuan Dynastys, until Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty.Chapter 6, Conclusive Part.Three appendices attched——Nouns can be matched with GE from Yuqing Fang , Shuxiang Lv, and Jie He.


