

Study on the Optimization of Plant Logistics Under Jit Philosophy Based on Resource Demand

【作者】 张伟

【导师】 吴迪;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 物流工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 作为第三利润源泉的物流一直是所有汽车制造企业大力研究和改善的方向。进入21世纪以来,我国己经逐渐成为全球汽车生产制造和消费大国,汽车产业己经进入了竞争空前激烈的时代。在这场激烈的竞争中,如何降低物流成本,尤其是生产物流成本,成为企业能否取得胜利的重要条件。在我国现阶段,汽车制造企业通常将主机厂生产物流外包给专业的第三方物流公司,而目前大多数公司在工厂内仓储和配送方面尚没有建立起一个完整的技术分析模型,各项生产要素如人员、设备、作业方式等无法根据主机厂产量变化做出准确的调整,也就无法为公司拓展其他主机厂业务提供准确的、科学的技术支持。本文在前人研究的基础上,通过对东风日产乘用车公司汽车主机厂的工厂物流系统进行实地考察,对汽车主机厂生产物流供应各系统物流能力及资源的需求和汽车总装线的汽车零部件供给做了详细深入的研究。基于企业实际运作,分别建立了生产物流供应各系统物流能力及资源的需求和汽车总装线物料供给模型,并结合计算机技术,通过编程使上述模型得以实现。从而在宏观和微观两个方面对主机厂的生产物流的精准化作了全面的研究。在物流能力需求及平衡模型建立中,运用流程作业分析方法,剖析了准时生产环境下工厂物流作业组织和流程。根据物流各环节工时消耗规律,基于生产计划、零部件需求、零部件包装体积和作业参数及工序建立了面向混流汽车生产线的物流能力需求与平衡的数学模型。最后通过算例分析,并在visual studio环境下,利用C#编程语言,通过SQL查询语言操作数据库,计算得出结果。为合理地测算物流系统工时及设备需求,量化物流劳动强度,平衡系统内各部分物流能力,提供了较为科学的方法。在总装线物料供给研究中,通过对汽车总装车间的工位布局及工艺流程分析,结合现实生产条件,总结归纳了总装车间物料供应物流路线复杂、线路繁忙,线边库存有限等特点。根据总装线物料供应牵引车的供应线路和服务零部件种类以及工位固定的实际作业特点,建立了带时间窗限制的总装线物料供给模型,从而得出每个供给循环牵引车供给的零部件种类和数量。最后通过启发式算法,利用计算机编程,结合算例分析,验证了模型和算法的有效性。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, all passenger vehicle companies have been paying more and more attentions on the logistics research which is known as the third profit source. In the 21st century, China has gradually become a global automobile manufacturing and consuming country. The automobile industry has entered an unprecedented era of intense competition. In the fierce competition, how to reduce logistics costs, especially the cost of plant logistics can become an important condition for victory.At the present stage, automobile manufacturers often subcontracted plant logistics to a professional third-party logistics company. However, most companies have not yet established a complete technical analysis model for in the factory warehouse and distribution system. The factors such as personnel, equipment, practices and other changes can not be timely adjusted according to production plan. And also, it is impossible to provide accurate technical support for business expanding.In this paper, based on previous studies, we made Comprehensive investigation on the plant logistics in the Dongfeng Nissan Passenger Vehicle Company. We made great research on the demand of logistics resource and the assembly line feeding system. Based on the actual operation of the enterprise, the research established Mathematical models to calculate the demand of logistics resource. With the help of programming and computer technology, we made a comprehensive study on macro and micro aspects. The workflow analysis method was adopted to analyze the pattern of equipment and workforce needed in the plant logistics system based on the field study of a vehicle factory. A mathematics model based on manufacturing plan, parts demand, packaging volume, and process analysis was established to quantify the labor intensity, and estimate the equipment and workforce capacity of each process in the multi-model assembly line feeding systems. Finally, in visual studio environment, by using the C # programming language, a numerical example was used to validate whether the model was meaningful.In the study of assembly line feeding problem, the paper made an analysis of the workstation layout and process flow. We found that the logistics route in the assembly shop was complex and the line side inventory was limited. According to the fixed parts and workstation, the paper built assembly-line feeding model, with time windows limit to estimate which and how many parts should be feed to the assembly line on each cycle. Finally , through the heuristic algorithm, combined with the programming technology, a numerical example to verify the validity of the model and algorithms.

  • 【分类号】F252;F426.471
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】322
  • 攻读期成果

