

The Research of the Infromation Design in the User Interface of Micro-Bloc

【作者】 汤伟

【导师】 席涛;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着个人计算机的普及和互联网的发展,信息量,信息处理能力,信息传播速度,以及各种信息应用都以几何级数的方式在增长。尽管上世纪五十年代,人类就已经宣告进入了信息时代,但是以社交媒体为代表的WEB2.0应用,信息爆发出了前所未有的力量并且展示其巨大潜力。大量的信息满足了人们生活中的各种需求,但是同时也给人们带来了各种问题,在这样的背景下,旨在提高人们获取信息的效率和质量的信息设计近年来成为了设计领域的热点。信息设计的外延非常广,它包含于人类一切的交流活动之中,因此信息设计覆盖的研究领域非常多。本文中的信息设计研究主要集中在设计艺术学的领域,包括人因工程,设计心理学,信息图形等学科。研究的对象为引发信息和社会变革的社交媒体——微博。本文首先讨论了信息设计的概念,追溯了信息设计的发展,分析了信息设计的用途和原则。随后,文章对目前最活跃的信息媒体——微博的概念,发展历程以及特征进行探讨。在此基础上,根据微博上不同类型的用户的需求以及不同用户界面的特性,对微博的用户界面中的各层次进行详细分析,并提出相应的设计准则。根据微博用户界面中基本要素的分析结果,本文创新地引入了信息价值的概念,并通过可视化信息价值解决当前微博用户界面中存在的各种问题。本文致力于从设计艺术学的角度研究如何使得信息变得“清晰、可理解、易获取”,并将其用于解析目前火热并具有巨大发展潜力的微博,旨在通过信息设计发现并解决微博用户界面中存在的问题,并为信息设计在互联网领域和传播领域的应用提供了相应的参考。

【Abstract】 As the popularity of personal computers and the development of theInternet, information, processing power the speed of informationdissemination and application information are growing on geometricseries. Despite mankind has been declared to enter the information age inthe 1950s, but until the birth of the Web2.0 and the social media,information burst into the unprecedented power and show its greatpotential. Adequate information has met the needs of people’s lives, but atthe same time it brings variety of problems. In this context, informationdesign, which raise efficiency and quality of information become the hotspots of the field of design in recent years.The range of information design is very broad, which included in allhuman activities. This study is focused on the area of art and design,including human factors engineering, design psychology, informationgraphics, and other subjects. The object is the famous application of thesocial media, Micro-blog.Firstly, this article discusses the concept of information design, andthen traces the development of information design, analysis the principalof information design. Subsequently, it introduces the concept and thedevelopment history of micro-blog to figure out its characteristics. On thisbasis, according to the needs of different types of users on micro-blog, weanalysis the user interface elements in detail and come up with theguideline of information design in user interface of micro-blog and theconcept of information value . Under the help of the information value, we solve the existing user experience issues in the micro-blog.This article is committed to study the information design in the angerof art and design to make information“clear, easy to understand, easy toget”. We use information design to analysis the micro-blog which is veryhot nowadays and has claimed to have great potential, aiming at providingguidance to the supplement the theory of information design, and applyingit to the field of internet technology and the information dissemination.


