

Research on the Measurement of Shanghai Urban and Rural Poor Families’ Social Capital

【作者】 吴颖秋

【导师】 章晓懿;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 社会保障, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 改革开放实现了我国经济的发展和社会的转型,人民的生活水平得到显著提高。虽然我国已经建立起覆盖城乡的最低生活保障制度,但贫困问题并没有得到缓解,成为党和政府工作中的重要内容。为了解释日益复杂的社会经济现象,社会资本作为一个跨学科领域的概念,被用在各领域的研究分析中。在贫困问题的研究方面,社会资本理论更是成为社会科学理论发展的一个新视角,对反贫困发挥着不可忽视的作用。为了探究上海城乡贫困家庭社会资本的缺失状况,本文通过梳理中外学者在社会资本理论在贫困与反贫困研究中的成果,结合亲身参与的上海城乡贫困家庭生活状况课题研究,构建了上海市贫困家庭社会资本测量的指标体系,运用实际调查的数据,对上海市城镇和农村贫困家庭的社会资本分别进行了测量,并对两者的社会资本量的差异进行了比较和分析。通过在对上海城乡贫困家庭社会资本的总量和4个维度、8项指标的测量结果分析,得出以下结论:上海城乡贫困家庭的平均社会资本总量差别甚小;但城乡贫困家庭的社会资本在4个测量维度的表现存在显著差异:农村贫困家庭在互惠方面的表现优于城镇贫困家庭;而城镇贫困家庭在社会参与和对社会信任方面的情况要优于农村贫困家庭。最后,本文对以上测量结果做了进一步的解释和分析,并依据研究中反映出的问题提出了一些能够帮助贫困家庭提高其社会资本的建议,从而增强他们摆脱贫困的能力。

【Abstract】 The Reform and opening up implement the economic development and social transformation of China, which improving people’s living standard greatly. Although China has established the basic living allowances system for urban and rural residence, the problem of poverty hasn’t been solved, becoming one of the most important tasks for Chinese government.In order to explain complex social-economic phenomenon, the concept of“Social Capital”is widely used in variety field of research. In the field of poverty reduction, social capital plays an important role.For the purpose of find out how much social capital do Shanghai urban and rural families own, this paper tries to build a measuring system for social capital of poor family, by analyzing theories of social capital and its function in poverty reduction, taking consideration of the research achievements about Shanghai urban and rural poor families’ living condition. According to this measuring system, attempt has been made to calculate the capacity of Shanghai urban poor families’social capital, and then try to discover whether there are differences between them.Conclusions are as follows: The average social capital condition of these two kinds of family is almost similar; in the aspect of trust index, urban families perform worse than rural ones; in the aspect of participation index and respect index, rural families get lower scores.Finally, the paper tries to put forward some suggestion based on the results and analysis obtained above, so as to improve poor families’social capital and increase their possibility to get rid of poverty.

【关键词】 城乡贫困家庭社会资本测度
【Key words】 urban and ruralpoor familysocial capitalmeasurement

