

Research on the Intelligent Synthesis Dispatching System for Urban Rail Transit

【作者】 徐伟

【导师】 房鑫炎;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电力系统及其自动化, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 随着我国经济发展和城市现代化进程的加快,城市交通问题日益凸显,人们对出行交通服务水平的要求也变得越来越高。城市轨道交通,作为一种快捷、安全、准点的短途出行手段,越来越多的受到人们的青睐。如今世界上著名的城市几乎都将城市轨道交通作为城市公共交通的主要工具,大大改善了城市交通,在促进城市经济发展的同时,城市轨道交通自身也成为现代化城市的标志。轨道交通与人们的工作生活越来越紧密相关,其运行的可靠性就显得尤为重要,一旦发生事故,轻则导致晚点,影响乘客出行,重则危急生命财产安全,影响社会安定,因此,确保轨道交通安全稳定地运行成为各国相关人员研究的热点。在城市轨道交通的调度指挥系统中,电力调度系统控制的是轨道交通的生命线,行车调度系统控制的是轨道交通的大脑,它们彼此独立,各自为政,相互之间形成信息孤岛,一方故障,另一方不能及时反应,可能导致故障处理迟缓,甚至引发特大事故。因此,将这两者联系起来,研究它们之间的综合调度,实现供电和行车的一体化调度有着重要的现实意义。本文研究分析了轨道交通牵引供电系统,研究其非正常运行和故障运行时的综合调度策略。针对牵引供电系统的非正常运行,结合整流设备的过载特性曲线,通过实时采集直流侧电流数据,分析判断整流设备的运行状态,一旦判定出整流设备处在异常状态,则发出告警信息,并结合行车组织的限定条件,在限定条件下得出最佳的列车延时序列,将该数据传送到行车调度系统,让行车调度系统对线路上运行的列车作出相应的调整,消除异常状态。针对牵引供电系统的故障运行,分析研究牵引变电站故障解列后对整个牵引供电系统容量的影响,并对该系统中各元件进行建模分析,得到整个直流供电系统的模型,根据故障运行的容量进行仿真计算,从而判断故障后线路上最多容许运行的列车数,最后将该信息传送到行车调度系统供其参考。

【Abstract】 With the development of China’s economy and accelerated process of urban modernization, urban transport is becoming increasingly prominent, people’s requirements for transportation services have become increasingly high. As a fast, secure and punctual way of short distance trip, metro is preferred by more and more people. Today, almost all of the world famous city take urban rail transit as the main tool for urban transport, in the promotion of urban economic development, urban rail transit itself has become the symbol of modern city.Now rail transit has a more closely relationship with people’s work and life,so the reliability of its operation is particularly important. Event of an accident will lead to late or some critical danger, therefore, more and more people are searching for the good way to ensure the safe operation of urban rail transport.In the dispatch manage system of urban rail transit, SCADA controls the lifeline of the rail transit, and train operation dispatch system controls the brain of the rail transit, they are independent of each other, and become islands of information from each other. One is faulty, the other can’t response timely, which may lead to some serious accidents. Therefore, it is significantly important to link them together and achieve the synthesis dispatching system between them. This paper analyzes the traction power supply system, and study the synthesis dispatching strategy for it in abnormal state and faulty state.SCADA monitors the operational status of power supply system in real-time, if it detects the abnormal state according to the overload characteristic curve of the rectifier, it will issue the warning message, then it will provide a sequence of train’s delays under the constrains of the trains, ATC adjusts the trains to eliminate the situation via the data.If the traction power supply system is in faulty state, we analyzes the influence to the whole power supply capacity after some traction substation out of work, and modeling every component of the system, get the model of the DC power supply system. Then according to the capacity and the model we simulate the trains’travelling to decide the most trains allowed on the line, and finally transfer the information to the ATC as reference.


