

Comparative Research on Integrated Bonded Zone and Free Trade Zone Based on Correspondence Analysis

【作者】 尚佳

【导师】 赵一飞;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 交通运输规划与管理, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 自由贸易园区作为全球供应链的重要节点,在世界经济逐渐从金融危机后的衰退中走出的背景下,愈加受到各国重视。尤其在便利国际物流运作和吸引跨国企业等方面,发挥着越来越显著的作用。中国早在上世纪90年代就开始设立保税区这一借鉴自由贸易园区的过渡形式,经过20余年的发展,其形式和内容不断发生演变,并最终形成了目前以综合保税区为代表的海关特殊监管区域这一多层次体系。为探求我国综合保税区与国际一流自由贸易园区之间的差距,本文建立适当的评价模型,以对两者进行具体的差别化研究。首先,搭建自由区的概念框架,统摄全世界名称各异的多种特殊经济区域。进而在此框架下,对自由贸易园区重新辨析并定位,并提供基于功能和开放程度的分类法。其次,总结我国海关特殊监管区域的发展历程并判断以城市为单元的综合保税区是其整合趋势。在此基础上,着重从政策和经济性角度构建围绕“自由贸易”这一核心特征的自由度评价模型,选取上海综合保税区、苏州工业园综合保税区和香港作为案例进行比较,得出各自由度下细分指标的结果。之后,引入对应分析法这一统计技术,以数据处理和可视化图形对比为依据,探求综合保税区和自由贸易园区存在的具体差别。最后,认为综合保税区不应停留在税收优惠的层次,而应进一步开放自由度,发挥其作为经济增长催化剂的作用。此外,就转型提供有针对性的政策建议,以期早日建成具有中国特色并且有国际竞争力的自由贸易园区。

【Abstract】 Against the backdrop of world economy still emerging from recession after the financial crisis, many countries attach great importance to Free Trade Zone (FTZ) that is regarded as an indispensable node of global supply chain and plays an increasingly significant role especially in order to facilitate international logistics and attract transnational corporations by means of providing barrier-free business environment.Since 1990s, China has set up Bonded Zone as a transitional form of FTZ. During 20 years’ development, its form and content kept an evolving course which was accompanied by more openness and better policy circumstances. Up to this point, a multi- level system in the name of Special Customs Supervision Zones (SCSZ) has been constructed and which is typically represented by Integrated Bonded Zone (IBZ). With the aim of measuring the disparity between FTZ and IBZ, this thesis designs an evaluation model so as to perform the specific comparative research.Firstly, this thesis builds a conceptual framework as Free Zone in the purpose of incorporating various types of similar special economic zones across the world. Under this framework, FTZs are repositioned and a new taxonomy for FTZs based on function as well as level of openness is presented. Secondly, the history of SCSZ is summarized and its future trend that characterized by consolidating to IBZ based on city unit is predicted. Furthermore, especially from the perspective of policy and economy, this thesis designs a Free Degree Evaluation Model which revolves around the core feature of free trade. Besides, Shanghai IBZ, Suzhou Industrial Park IBZ and Hong Kong are selected as evaluation objects in the case study and corresponding index scores are obtained. After that, the statistics technique of Correspondence Analysis (CORA) is introduced so as to seek the specific difference among them by data processing and comparison of visual graphics. Finally, it draws the conclusion that IBZs must diversify their offerings beyond just tax advantages in order to play the role as catalyst for economic growth. In this respect, appropriate policy suggestions are also provided in the hope of establishing the authentic FTZ on the mainland of China with its own characteristics as well as international competitiveness.

  • 【分类号】F752.5;F224
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】1251
  • 攻读期成果

