

Technical Solution and Practice of the Digitalized Retrofit of 110kV Substation

【作者】 蒋涛

【导师】 张焰;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 电气工程, 2012, 硕士

【摘要】 常规变电站的数字化改造是当前电网智能化建设的热点,近年来新型电子式互感器技术、IEC61850标准、智能断路器及网络通信技术的日趋成熟,为解决常规变电站向数字化方向发展提供了技术保证。本文着重110kV常规变电站的数字化改造问题的研究。首先就数字化变电站系统概念体系、结构特点和技术特征进行研究,分析了IEC61850、GOOSE网络、智能断路器、电子式互感器等新技术的工作原理;进而展开与常规变电站间的比较,提出数字化变电站在互操作性、可扩展性、系统可靠性及状态检修等方面的优势。其次,本文研究了数字化技术在110kV常规变电站中的应用方案,按照站控层、间隔层、过程层和组网方式四个部分,讨论具有通用性和实用化的数字化方案。文中提出基于IEC61850-9-1过程层解决方案,设备接口支持IEC61850间隔层解决方案,对内支持集中IEC61850、对外配置规约转换功能的站控层解决方案以及站控层与过程层网络分设、过程层分采样点对点和独立GOOSE网络的组网解决方案。最后,本文以江苏某110kV常规变电站数字化改造项目为对象,进行方案实践,验证了方案具有可行、经济和稳定运行等方面的优势,能够满足110kV变电站数字化需求。同时,给出实践中遇到的试验调试过程的解决方法。提出方案的优化措施。

【Abstract】 The digitized transformation of conventional substation has become the hot topic in intelligentizing grids. In recent years, new electronic mutualinductor technology, IEC61850standard, intelligent circuit breaker and network communication technology are becoming mature, which provides technical assurance to solve the problem.This article focuses on the the digitized transformation of conventional 110kV substation.This paper, studied the concept of digital substation system, structural features and technical characteristics first, and analyzed the operating principle of IEC61850, goose networks, intelligent circuit breakers, electronic transformers and other new technology works; then this paper compared digital substation between the conventional substation, and proposed the vantage of digital substation in the interoperability, scalability, reliability and condition-based maintenance, and other areas. Secondly, this paper studied the digitizing technique in conventional 110kV substation applications, according to station level, bay level, process level and networking four parts, with the versatility and practical discussion of the digital program. This paper proposed the solution based on IEC61850-9-1 process layer, device interface layer solution supporting IEC61850 interval, internal support for centralized IEC61850, conversion of external configuration of the Statute of the station control layer solution and stopping the process control layer and network layer divided the process layer of sub-sampling point and independent GOOSE network networking solutions. Finally, as an example of the restruction of conventional 110kV substation in Jiangsu, we tested and verified the vantage that the program is feasible, economic, and stable in operation. At the same time, this paper gives the solution to optimize the program.


