

Research into the Performance Evaluation Index System of Pubic Hospital Superintendent Based on the Stakeholder Theory

【作者】 张翼飞

【导师】 张亮;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会医学与卫生事业管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 目的本研究基于利益相关者理论,对公益性导向下公立医院院长的利益相关者进行界定,并对其利益要求进行深入理论分析,围绕利益要求的实现方式设计评价指标,建立基于利益相关者的公立医院院长绩效评价指标体系,满足公立医院改革对院长绩效评价的新要求,引导公立医院院长公益性办院。方法运用利益相关者理论界定公立医院院长的利益相关者,通过理论分析确定利益要求。采用文献荟萃、专题小组讨论、专家咨询和统计学方法,构建基于利益相关者的公立医院院长绩效评价指标体系。结果1.界定了公益性导向下公立医院院长的8个核心利益相关者。2.在理论分析基础上,明确了8个核心利益相关者的利益要求。3.构建了基于利益相关者的公立医院院长绩效评价框架以及8个一级指标,15个二级指标和33个三级指标的绩效评价指标体系。讨论与建议1.评价院长绩效要以医院“公益实现”作为重点,以医院“良好运营”作为基础。2.重视影响公立医院公益实现的利益相关者利益要求,是引导院长长期坚持公益性办院的重要途径。3.建立非营利性的第三方评估机构,是保证院长绩效公正公平进行的必要手段。

【Abstract】 PurposesThe research purpose is to establish a complete and logically strict performance evaluation index system of the public superintendent through firstly definition of 8 core stakeholders and secondly determination of their appeals, in order to meet the need of the new health reform and guide the public hospitals superintendent to perform social responsibilities and thus return to public-welfare orientation.MethodsThe definition of 8 core stakeholders is in line with stakeholder theory, and their appeals are weighted and determined through theoretical analysis. To establish the whole index system, the meta-literature analysis, the focus group discussion, the expert consultancy and the statistical methods are applied.Results1. Definition of 8 core stakeholders of the public hospital superintendent under the guideline of public-welfare orientation.2. Identification of demands based on 8 separate stakeholders through fully theoretical analysis.3. Construction of the performance evaluation framework of pubic hospital superintendent based on the stakeholder theory, and a 3-tier index system involve 8/15/33 l indicators under each level.Discussion and Recommendations1. The evaluation of the performance of public Hospital superintendent should be public-welfare-achievement-oriented and rely on the institutionally well-operation as a basis.2. The key path to guide the public hospital superintendent to uphold the public interest is to emphasize and mobilize the interest demands of the relevant stakeholders.3. The significant assurance to ensure the fairness and equity of the superintendent performance evaluation is to set up a professional nonprofit assessing mechanism based on the third-party.


