

The Research on Application of 3G Based Mobile Learning to University

【作者】 李行国

【导师】 罗晋华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 现代教育技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 随着移动通讯技术和计算机技术的发展,促进了教育信息化的广泛普及,将先进的无线通讯技术引用到教育中,为学习者提供一种新的学习方式--移动学习,其内涵是学习者使用移动设备,借助于无线通讯网络访问网络教学资源,随时随地的开展学习活动,不受时间、空间的限制。移动学习作为一种新的学习方式,是数字化学习的进一步发展,也是教育技术领域研究的热点之一。第三代移动通信技术为移动学习的发展提供了新的技术条件,充分有效地使用3G技术的新特点来辅助教学、提高教学质量成为移动学习研究的重要内容。论文将移动学习引入到高校这个领域,在第三代移动通讯环境中,探讨如何在高校中开展移动学习。高校是个开放自主的学习环境,对于高校中的学习特点,在学习内容是,专业化程度比较高,职业定向性较强,实践知识丰富,动手能力要求较强,学科内容具有高层次性和探索性;学习方法上,自学方式占据越来越重要的地位,学习的独立性、批判性和自觉性要求也越来越强;学习环境上,学习场所具有多样化和流动性,任课教师相对不稳定,学习群体不太固定等特点。高校中的学习特点为移动学习的开展提供了可能,结合移动学习本身所具有的移动性、及时性、个性化等方面的特点,通过移动学习的方式提高高校中学习者的学习效率,为高校中的人才培养提供一种新的途径。文在分析移动学习和高校中的学习特点的基础上,结合3G技术的发展现状和设备条件,探讨开展基于3G的移动学习一般模型,在高校中开展移动学习的三种模式,即基于3G多媒体短消息服务的移动学习模式、基于3G视频服务的移动学习模式、基于3G无线网络的WAP浏览服务的移动学习。

【Abstract】 With the development of mobile communication technology and computer technology, it is promoted the spread of information technology in education, advanced wireless communications technology refers to the education for learners to provide a new way of learning - mobile learning, its meaning is to learn To use mobile devices, wireless communications network access network by means of teaching resources, learning activities carried out anytime, anywhere, without time and space constraints. Mobile learning as a new way of learning is the further development of digital learning, research in the field of educational technology is one of the hotspots. Advances in communication technology, third generation mobile communication technology for the rapid development of 3G mobile learning technology provides a new condition, how to make effective use of various types of 3G technology to assist teaching and improve teaching quality has become an important part of mobile learning research.This paper will introduce mobile learning to the area of colleges. In the environment of the third generation mobile communication, we will think how to carry out mobile learning in colleges. the Colleges is an open learning environment, the learning characteristics of the universities, in the learning of content is a relatively high degree of specialization, professional orientation is strong, practical knowledge rich, hands-on capacity requirements strong and high-level subject matter; in the learning methods, self-learning occupies an increasingly important position, learning independence, critical and self-consciousness requires more and more strong; in the learning environment, learning spaces is diversity and liquidity, Teacher and learning cooperator is not fixed and so on. Characteristics of the study in the college offer the possibility for mobile learning, combined with the characteristics of mobile learning which is the mobility, timely, personalized and so on, by way of mobile learning to improve the efficiency of universities’learner, and the mobile learning is also a new way to the college education.This paper analysis the characteristics of mobile learning and the learning of universities, combine the current situation of the development of 3G and the conditions of equipment. It will think the general model 3G-based mobile learning, and three models for mobile learning is carried out in universities , which is the mobile learning model based on 3G multimedia Short Message Service ,the mobile learning is based on 3G video , and the mobile learning based on 3G wireless networks of WAP service.

  • 【分类号】G434
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】556

