

Analysis on the Effects of the Premium Payment Level about "the New Rural Social Pension Insurance"

【作者】 宋君

【导师】 石人炳;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 社会保障, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本文通过对安徽省肥东县90个“新农保”参保家庭进行调查发现,农民参保呈高低缴费档次“两极分布”,并且选择低缴费档次人数占优。在对影响农民参保缴费的因素进行分析后认为,农民受“有限理性”支配,在新农保政策规定框架下,通过计算、推理参加各缴费档次所能获得的实际利益,再依据个人特征和家庭特点做出缴费选择,其参保缴费行为是一种理性选择。由于新农保政策偏重对年老农村居民和低收入家庭养老利益的保障,因而对高缴费档次的激励相对不足,农民选择低缴费档次不但可以获得较丰厚的回报,而且对比选择高缴费档次的农民并没有过多损失,因此具备“理性”思考的农民更多的选择了较低的缴费档次;同时,个人账户的设计具有“储蓄”的特点,因此部分农民为获得最高的缴费补贴也会选择高档次缴费。本文对造成这种“两极分化,低缴费占优”的农民缴费选择行为定义为“逐利”。基于农民理性发展而来的农民“逐利”行为是对新农保政策激励措施的反应,有鉴于此,文中建议改革新农保基础养老金的给付方式,建立与缴费档次挂钩的发放机制;同时加大政府投入,增加缴费补贴,拉开各缴费补贴档次差距;拓宽个人账户的保值增值渠道。农民“逐利”行为在现阶段虽然造成新农保发展的困扰,但是农民的参保理性和对激励机制的反应恰恰是新农保可持续发展的群众基础,政府应当改革新农保政策中对高缴费产生“消极”作用的措施,引导农民选择合适的缴费档次,只有这样,才能使农民“老有所养,老有所依”,新农保也才能真正走进农民的养老安排中,成为农村养老保障的支柱。

【Abstract】 After surveying 90 families which are participating“The new rural social pension insurance”from Anhui Feidong, the author has found that the payment choices of insured farmers showing "two poles" in high and low pay grades, and the low pay grade is dominated. By analyzing the factors affecting the insured farmers’pay decision, the paper supposes peasants are "limited rational beings", who are calculating and reasoning practical benefits among different pay grades under the provisions of the policy, and then basing on personal and family characteristics to make final decisions. So, the farmers’behavior of premium payment is a rational choice.As the new policy emphasis on protecting the pension profits of the elderly and low-income rural residents, thus the incentive for high-grade is relative lacked. Most rational farmers choose low-grade for bringing more good returns, besides, compared with high-grade, farmers don’t pay too much loss. Also, because the design of personal accounts has "saving" feature, some farmers to obtain the highest subsidies will choose the highest-grade.In this paper, such "two polarization, low pay dominant" premium payment behavior of farmers is defined as "profit-driven". It is the response to policy incentives, which evolved from rationality. In view of this, the paper proposed a reform of basic pension payments, hoping establishing a new payment mechanism linked to pay grade; At the same time, increasing government inputs and adding the subsidies to open the gap between the pay grades; It is also necessary to broad the channels for increasing the value of personal accounts.Although the“profit-driven”behavior has resulted in some bad influences, farmers respond to incentives is precisely the mass basis for sustainable development of the new system. The government should reform the measures which play negative roles in high-grade payment, guiding farmers to select the appropriate pay grade. Only in this way can the elderly live better and safely, and the system will be the pillar of farmers’endowment arrangements.

  • 【分类号】F323.89;F842.6
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】445

