

Design and Implementation of Messaging System Using Ad-hoc Wireless Network Based on Android

【作者】 李方

【导师】 吴涛;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着科学技术的发展人们交流的方式也在逐渐变化,随着无线网络尤其是物联网、传感器网络的飞速发展人们开始考虑是否可以不通过基站,让软件通过自组织从而达到互联的目的。而Ad-Hoc网络是一组带有无线收发器移动节点所形成的一个无固定基站的多跳的临时自治网络系统,Ad-hoc网络又称为多跳无线路由网络。我们利用Ad-hoc网络就可以在任意时间地点组建一个移动通信网络,这样的网络可以运用在军事领域,重大灾难的紧急救援和个人通信方面。首先介绍了Android手机平台和无线路由协议的现状,将Android平台和其他手机平台作了对比,说明了Android手机平台的优势。阐明了实现基于Android的Ad-hoc无线网络协议的重要意义和应用场景。按照软件工程的过程对项目进行了需求分析、概要设计、详细设计、实现和测试,实现了基于Android平台的多跳无线网络的通信软件,而Ad-hoc路由协议分为按表驱动路由协议,按需驱动路由协议和混合型驱动路由协议,通信软件所用的路路由协议是一种混合型路由协议,是对AODV路由协议的一个改进算法。在节点之间传送数据包的延时、整个网络的路由维护代价和数据包的成功到达率上面都有很大的提高。

【Abstract】 With the development of science and technology the way people communicate is also gradually changed. As the rapid development of wireless networks and sensor networks people start to consider whether we can build internet through self-organization of software but not based on Internet station. The Ad-Hoc network is a multi-hop temporary autonomous network system constituted by a group of mobile nodes with wireless transceiver without internet station. Through Ad-hoc network we can set up a mobile communications network at any time and place. This kind of network can be used in the military field, disaster emergency and personal communications.This issue firstly introduced the background of Android mobile platform and Ad-hoc wireless routing protocol, give the advanced of android through comparing Android with others, and clarified the urgency and importance of implement Ad-hoc wireless network protocol based on Android. Then introduced the Ad-hoc routing protocols and intelligent terminals research situation at home and abroad.According to software engineering process, analysis the requirement of the software, give outline design and detailed design, implementation and testing. Realizing instant the multi-hop wireless network communication software based on the Android platform. Ad-hoc routing protocols contains table-driven routing protocol, demand-driven routing protocol and hybrid routing protocol drivers. For the communication software, the routing protocol is a hybrid routing protocol, which is an improved algorithm based on AODV routing protocol. It made a big progress at maintenance costs and success rate of package arrival.

【关键词】 Ad-hoc网络Android平台SQLite数据库
【Key words】 Ad-hoc networkAndroidSQLite
  • 【分类号】TN929.5
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】246

