

Research and Implementation of Digital Urban Planning Platform Based on GIS Technology

【作者】 管雯君

【导师】 肖来元;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 软件工程, 2010, 硕士

【摘要】 随着信息化时代的到来,数字城市规划平台的建立已经提上日程,越来越多的城市建立了三维仿真模型。我国的城市必须走可持续发展的道路,制定城市发展战略不仅需要信息支持和信息服务,同时更需要基于信息的科学决策支持据估计,人类信息的75%~80%都与地理空间位置有关。显然,城市发展需要城市地理信息系统及相关技术的支持。地理信息系统(Geographic Information System,简称GIS)作为实现数字城市的核心技术,为数字城市规划平台的建立提供了海量的数据和空间信息,是数字城市发展的原动力。“数据”是GIS的血液,基于GIS的城市规划平台的建立离不开对已知的地理现象进行建模,即完成地理数据模型的建立,其中还涉及到了面向对象的方法。这些都是GIS最基本的理论知识。要实现从原有二维的仅仅只带等高线的地形图到三维模型的转换还需要将CAD文件数字化,最后通过多次转换实现。其次,数字城市规划平台的构建还离不开一个可以共享数据的统一的城市规划管理信息系统,而该系统的建立也离不开GIS的技术背景,这样同时实现了“数字总规”。除此之外,交通规划作为当今城市规划不可或缺的组成部分也需要借助于GIS技术,完成对现有交通量的分析、建立完善的公交查询系统、对未来交通量进行预测等等。这三个方面可以说是衡量现代“数字城市”实现的成熟程度的三个指标。所以,从这几个方面下手,就能实现比较完善的基于GIS的数字城市规划平台。通过利用GIS技术,实现了对规划成果的GIS专题表现、建立了具有多种功能模块的城市规划管理信息系统以及交通量的预测等等。

【Abstract】 With the advent of information age, digital platform for the establishment of urban planning has been put on the agenda, a growing number of cities have established a three-dimensional simulation model. Our city must take the road of sustainable development, the formulation of urban development strategy requires not only information support and information service, but also need to support scientific decision-making based on information it is estimated that 75% of human information, 80% are related to the position and geographical space. Clearly, the city development city geographic information system and related technology support.Geographic information system (Geographic Information System, referred to as GIS)as a core technology of digital cities, as the establishment of digital urban planning platform offers vast amounts of data and spatial information, is the driving force behind the development of digital cities."Data" is the blood of GIS, GIS-based platform for the establishment of urban planning is inseparable from the geographical phenomenon known model, the complete model of geographic data, which also relates to the object-oriented approach. These are the basic theoretical knowledge of GIS. To achieve just only from the original two-dimensional topographic map with contour lines into three-dimensional model of the conversion will also need to digital CAD files, and finally achieved through several conversion. Second, several of the Urban Planning Platform to share the data also do without a unified management information system of urban planning, but also inseparable from the establishment of the GIS system, technical background, so while achieving the "total number of rules." Beside, today’s transportation planning as an integral part of urban planning also needs the help of GIS technology to complete the analysis of existing traffic, establish and improve public transport query system, to forecast future traffic and so on. These three aspects can be said to measure the current with a "Digital City" to achieve the three indicators of the degree of maturity.Therefore, start from several aspects, we can achieve more comprehensive GIS-based platform for digital urban planning.Through the use of GIS technology to achieve results on the GIS project planning performance, the establishment of a functional module with a variety of urban planning and management information systems and traffic projections and so on.

  • 【分类号】P208;TU984
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】402

