

The Study and Development of Reservoir Eco-operation Decision Support System Based on RVA Framework

【作者】 顾然

【导师】 张勇传; 周建中;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 水利水电工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 伴随着三峡水库成功蓄水至175米,公众对水库运行带来的潜在生态问题日渐关注。大型水库在防洪、发电、保障航运及提供城市工农业用水等方面对人类社会带来巨大效益的同时,也给对人类社会十分宝贵的河流生态系统健康带来深远影响。如何在其传统兴利效益的基础上,兼顾生态恢复和保护,充分发挥综合效益,是水库生态调度的热点与难点,也是本文的研究所在。首先,研究一般情况下水库运行造成的生态环境胁迫(即干扰,在生态学中被称为胁迫),归纳总结了国内外对于水库运行胁迫生态环境的研究成果。针对三峡-葛洲坝梯级水库,从水文角度出发,对其运行带来的生态环境胁迫进行了分析。其次,着眼于河流动态特性对河流生态系统健康所起的重要作用,提出了以水文情势描述河流动态特性、以RVA框架指导制定河流动态特性变化控制目标的恢复与保护性生态径流研究思路。综合考虑淡水生物不同生命阶段对生境的需求及水环境因子的季节性变化,建立了面向生态水文事件非参数统计的生态径流推求方法。在此基础上,针对三峡梯级水库所处的长江中上游河段,以宜昌站为典型断面,分析并得出了面向河流生态系统整体与特定淡水生物(四大家鱼、中华鲟)的恢复与保护性生态径流。第三,建立以恢复与保护性生态径流为约束的梯级水库生态调度模型,并给出相应算法。提出综合考虑河流动态特性的生态适宜度评价指标体系。以三峡梯级水库为研究对象,结合上文分析得出的恢复与保护性生态径流,从面向河流生态系统整体与特定淡水生物恢复和保护两个角度对生态调度进行研究。结合生态适宜度评价指标体系,针对生态调度中生态指标的不同侧重、生态—经济效益间冲突分别提出了多种非劣方案,并采用TOPSIS多属性决策模型,在不同侧重情况下分别对非劣方案集进行优选。第四,以上述研究为依据,采用Delphi2010开发环境,结合微软SQL Server数据库引擎,开发了基于三层体系结构、兼顾生态恢复与保护的长江中上游梯级水库优化调度决策支持系统。系统提供生态信息管理、生态评价体系管理、生态径流分析、生态调度和GIS展示等功能服务,为决策者制定合理的生态调度方案提供强有力的支持。

【Abstract】 With the success of Three Gorges reservoir impounding to 175 meters, the public is more and more concerning the adverse ecological consequences of reservoir operation. Large reservoirs bring tremendous benefits to human society in power generation, flood control, shipping, industrial and agricultural water supply. Also they greatly undermine the health of river ecosystem health. How to balance ecological benefits and economic benefits is where the hotspot and difficulty of reservoir operation lie. And this study also lies.First, the eco-environmental stress caused by reservoir operation in general case is studied. Then the relative research results at home and abroad are summarized. According to the operation of Three Gorges-Gezhouba cascade reservoir, from the view of hydrological point, the eco-environmental stress which reservoir operation brings is analyzed.Second, according the important role which dynamic characteristics of the river ecosystem health of rivers plays in the hydrological system, the dynamic characteristics which described by regime and the ecological flow which guided by the RVA framework are proposed, then considering the ecological demand of freshwater habitat in different life stages and the seasonal changes of environmental factors in water, the methods for ecological flow calculation which oriented to the non-parametric statistics of eco-hydrological events are established. On the base of these, aiming at upper and middle Yangtze River which Three Gorges cascade reservoir is located, taking Yichang station as the typical section, the ecological flow process which considers the restoration of whole river ecosystem and specific protection of freshwater habitat is analyzed.Third, the ecological operation model of cascade reservoirs which takes the ecological runoff as constraints is established, and the corresponding algorithm is also given. The eco-suitability evaluation index system which considers the dynamic characteristics of the river is proposed. The this paper take the Three Gorges cascade reservoir as a research object, combines the ecological flow which analyzed above, the ecological operation from the restoration of whole river ecosystem and specific protection of freshwater habitat is studied. Combined with the eco-suitability evaluation index system, a variety of non-inferior solutions are proposed based on the conflict of ecological indicators and ecological economic benefits, then the multi-attribute decision model of TOPSIS is adopted and the solutions is optimized.Fourth, this paper takes the research above as a basis, uses the development environment of Delphi2010, combines with Microsoft SQL Server database engine, and develops the decision support system for cascade reservoir ecological operation in upper and middle Yangtze River which considers ecological restoration and conservation and based on three-layer architecture. The system includes the functions such as ecological information management, ecological evaluation management, ecological flow analysis, ecological operation and GIS display which provides strong support for policy makers to develop a reasonable ecological operation scheme.

  • 【分类号】TV697.1;X171
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】244
  • 攻读期成果

