

Study on the Construction Safety Organizational Management Assessment of Metro Engineering

【作者】 王瑞

【导师】 吴贤国;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 工程管理, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,我国地铁工程建设正处于高速发展时期,施工安全至关重要。近年来地铁工程施工安全事故时有发生,参建单位施工安全组织管理工作落实不到位是地铁工程施工安全事故发生的主要原因之一。因此,研究地铁工程施工安全组织管理评价,构建地铁工程施工安全评价指标体系,从而为地铁工程施工安全管理工作的开展提供有力的技术支持。本文首先分析了国内外地铁工程施工安全评价研究现状,阐述了基于地铁工程施工安全组织管理影响因素问卷进行地铁工程施工安全组织管理评价指标体系构建的研究思路。然后通过文献阅读、法律法规的参考借鉴和专家访谈,收集确定了地铁工程施工安全组织管理影响因素并设计问卷,对参建单位组织管理工作和影响因素重要程度进行调查;通过进行因子分析,参建单位组织管理工作和影响因素重要程度的分析,构建了地铁工程施工安全组织管理评价指标体系。同时,本文运用AHP方法进行了专家问卷调查,给出了评价指标体系主要权重。此外,为便于该评价体系的实施,本文对安全评价的程序、评价方法和评分方法、评价组织以及评价结果分析进行了说明。本文初步构建的地铁工程施工安全组织管理评价指标体系,为地铁工程施工安全组织管理评价工作的展开提供了切实可行的依据,对确保地铁工程施工安全具有重要意义。

【Abstract】 At present, metro construction is being high-speed in China, and the safety issues became important. The construction safety accidents occur frequently, and one of the main reasons is the insufficient implementation of the contractors construction safety organizational management work. Study on the construction safety organizational management assessment of metro engineering, and build an assessment index system of construction safety organizational management of metro engineering, in order to provide strong technical support for construction safety management of metro engineering.First, the thesis analyzed the domestic and international research status on metro engineering construction safety evaluation, and expounded the idea of safety assessment based on the metro engineering construction safety organizational management factors questionnaire; then the thesis collected and analyzed the factors of organizational management in the metro construction through literature reading, laws and regulations of reference and expert interview, designing the questionnaire to investigate the important degree of contractors organizational management work and the factor. Through factor analysis and the questionnaire survey data, we built an assessment index system of organizational management in metro construction. In order to get the main indicators of the system weight, the thesis conducted questionnaire survey of experts in the use of AHP method. Besides, the thesis described the procedure, assessment method and scoring method, organization and the assessment result, to facilitate the implementation of the assessment system. The thesis initially built an assessment index system of organizational management in metro construction, and detailedly described the weight of system and implementation, providing a practical、self-restraint、self-monitoring、self-improvement safety assessment index system, to ensure the safety of metro construction.


