

Aided Design System’s Research and Development for Elevation Planning of Grade Crossing

【作者】 王定涛

【导师】 吴小平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 道路与铁道工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 平面交叉口是道路系统极其重要的组成部分,是道路交通的咽喉。平面交叉口竖向设计是平面交叉口设计中最重要的一个环节,其设计合理与否直接影响交叉口表面平顺度,行车舒适性,排水质量以及审美需求。随着我国道路交通的发展,道路交叉情况日益增多,平面交叉口形式越来越复杂,工程要求越来越高,这就要求设计人员能够既快又好地完成设计任务。本文在了解平面交叉口竖向设计CAD技术发展和应用现状的基础上,结合土木工程CAD软件发展的历程和特点,深刻洞察国内外平面交叉口竖向设计CAD软件的发展情况,分析出了平面交叉口竖向设计CAD软件的不足。最后根据市政工程MECAD软件升级和创新的需要,围绕实际平面交叉口竖向设计问题,进行相关研究并开发出了独立完善智能的平面交叉口竖向设计CAD系统。本文通过对各种类型平面交叉口的分析和比较,总结出了它们的共同特性:即都是多边形网络图结构;接着利用图论、拓扑约束理论建立平面交叉口的多边形网络拓扑结构、数据存储模型和条件约束模型,进而将三者整合为图模型;然后通过最小多边形的自动搜索实现交叉口区域的自动划分,以区域为单位获取计算点;最后集合所有的计算点生成平面交叉口Delaunay三角网立体模型进而自动生成等高线图。系统的主要创新点在于利用图论、拓扑约束理论建立平面交叉口的多边形网络拓扑结构、数据存储模型和条件约束模型,进而将三者整合为图模型,从而实现平面交叉口的自动分区和计算点的获取。

【Abstract】 Grade crossing is an important constituent part in road system, it is the“throat”of road traffic. The elevation planning of grade crossing is a significant design . Whether the design is reasonable affects the smoothness of the surface, driving comfort, drainage performance, needs of aesthetic. With the development of road traffic, the situation of road crossing is increasing, grade crossing’s form is more complex, engineering requirements is higher. Therefore, designers must be able to complete the design task fast and well.This paper on the basis of learning the status of development and applications of CAD technology for the elevation planning of grade crossing, combine the process and characteristics of development of Civil CAD, profound insight the situation of development of CAD software for the elevation planning of grade crossing at home and abroad, analysis the less CAD software for the elevation planning of grade crossing. Finally, according to the need of upgrade and innovation of municipal engineering MECAD software, around the actual intersection of the elevation planning, conduct relevant research and development independent, perfect, intelligent CAD system for the elevation planning of grade crossing.Through summarize various types of intersection, we can get their common characteristic: they are all polygon net graph structures; Then this paper use graph theory, topology constrained to develop software. The topology model, data storage model and constraints model will be use to format graph model. Then the smallest polygon areas can be searched automatically, district the intersection to obtain the calculating points, collect all the calculating points to generat Delaunay triangulation model. Finally, contour map can be generated automatically.The main innovation of the system is to use graph theory, topology constrained to establish the topology model, data storage model and constraints model , integrate the three to format graph model. Then the smallest polygon areas and calculating points can be generated automatically.

  • 【分类号】U491.23
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】70

