

Research on the Planning of Urban Disaster-prevention and Avoidance Green Space

【作者】 吴继荣

【导师】 熊和平;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 当我们赞叹于城市创造的无限财富和文明的同时,近年来频繁出现的地震、洪涝、恐怖袭击等自然与人为灾害,给城市带来了巨大的损失,这也让我们看到了城市脆弱的一面。我国是个自然灾害频发的国度。08年汶川地震的惨烈景象我们依然记忆犹新,云南、四川等地的干旱,青海玉树的7.1级地震,甘肃舟曲的泥石流等等今年又一次次拨动着我们的心弦。我国正处于快速城市化阶段,城市人口密度越来越大。同时我国又是个土地资源紧缺的国家,如何在有限的城市建设用地上安排足够的疏散避灾场所是当下国内城市规划面临的主要问题之一。将绿地建设成具有防灾避险功能的疏散避难场所无疑是解决我国城市建设用地紧缺与防灾避险用地需求之间矛盾的有效途径。因此,开展对城市防灾避险绿地系统规划的研究迫在眉睫。本文首先分析了目前国内城市防灾避险绿地系统规划中存在的问题,并对相关概念进行了界定。接着第三章通过对国内外有关避难场所的规划指标及紧急情况下人员疏散行为规律的研究,同时结合国内有关公园、绿地规划规范及建设情况,构建起紧急避险绿地、临时避险绿地、固定避险绿地、绿色疏散通道、隔离缓冲绿带等五位一体的、适合中国国情的城市防灾避险绿地系统规划指标体系;第四章在深入剖析目前国内城市防灾避险绿地系统规划布局中存在的误区和问题的基础上,受安全社区、防灾分区、日本防灾生活圈等思想理念启发,建立起社区、防灾分区、城市三层次、网络化的城市防灾避险绿地规划布局模型,并对模型的合理性进行了验证;第五章通过对北京海淀公园、台北都市防灾规划等的研究,参考相关城市规划标准、人类基本生活常识等资料,综合考虑避灾人员行为规律及各类避险绿地的特点。最终归纳出比较完善的城市防灾避险绿地八大应急配套设施规划设置指标体系。文章最后将上述研究成果运用于六安市城市防灾避险绿地系统规划实践当中,通过实际项目的反馈,使本次研究成果更趋成熟。希望通过本文研究能为今后国内城市防灾避险绿地系统规划提供参考。

【Abstract】 While we praise the city that have created unlimited wealth and civilization, frequent earthquakes, floods, terrorist attacks, other natural and man-made disasters have been bringing massive loss to the city in recent years, which also show us the vulnerable aspect of the city. China is a country which the natural disaster frequently outbreak .We still remember the tragic earthquake in 2008, drought of Yunnan and Sichuan, earthquake of magnitude 7.1 in Yushu of Qinghai, mudslide in Zhouqu of Gansu and so on, which have been shocking our heart again and again in this year .China is in the stage of rapid urbanization, urban population density is increasing. Meanwhile, china is a country which is short of land resources. Currently, in Chinese urban planning, how to arrange enough evacuation and disaster-prevention places in limited urban construction land is one of the major problems which must be focused on. Without doubt, constructing the evacuation and disaster-prevention place with green space is a effective way to solve the contradictory which between shortage of land for urban construction and land demand for disaster-prevention. Therefor, the research on urban disaster prevention and avoidance green space is imminent.Firstly, the writer analyzes the problems of urban disaster prevention and avoidance green space planning in china, and defines some related concepts. Then the third chapter has research on the personnel scattered behavior rule in emergency case and the planning indicators of disaster-prevention place home and abroad. Simultaneously unifies the related planning specification and constrcution situation of domestic park and green space. After this, the author proposes a set of planning specification of urban disaster prevention and avoidance green space which contains urgent disaster-avoidance green space, temporary disaster-avoidance green space, fixed disaster-avoidance green space, green evacuation routes and isolation buffer green belt, and suitable to chinese national condition. In the fourth chapter, the author constrcuts a network planning layout model of urban disaster prevention and avoidance green space with community, disaster-prevention district and city three levels, which based on thorough analysis of the problems existed in domestic urban disaster prevention and avoidance green space planning layout currently, also inspired by the ideas of The Security Community,Disaster-prevention District,Japanes Disaster -prevention and Living Area and so on, and the rationality of the model was verified in this chapter. .In the fifth chapter,the author summarizes and induces a perfect system of indicators for urban disaster prevention and avoidance green space matching facilities by studing on Haidian Park planning in Beijing ,Taipei City Disaster-prevention planning,etc., refering to the relevant urban planning standards, basic human common sense and so on, and considering the rules of personnel scattered behavior and the features of various types of avoidance green space.Next, the research results was used in the urban disaster prevention and avoidance green space planning of Luan city, the author believes that the feedback from the Luan practice would make the research more perfect. Finally, the author hopes that the research results would be the reference to urban disaster-prevention and avoidance green space in the future.


