

Research on the Planning Countermeasure of Industrial Clustering Zone Planning in the Central Region of China Based on the Industrial Transfer Context

【作者】 贾霆

【导师】 耿虹;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 城市规划与设计, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 基于我国区域经济发展不平衡加剧的现实,国家在积极落实西部大开发战略的同时,大力推进中部崛起战略措施。在此政策背景和国际产业转移的大背景下,我国中部地区成为了承接国际产业转移和我国东部产业转移的热点地区,也涌现出一大批新生的承接产业转移的现代产业集聚区。相比过去的产业园区来说,这类产业集聚区的发展有着自身的时代性和特殊性。时代性在于要应对当前国家宏观政策要求和市场出现的新局面,如国家土地宏观调控和集约利用、产业结构升级等新要求,要将土地集约化利用、增强自主创新能力、节能环保等方面的要求提高到一个新的水平;特殊性在于这类产业园区除具备现代产业园的所有特点外,还需要有针对性地推动产业转移和产业聚集,并使其能够在新的环境下落地生根,开花结果。为了更好地将承接产业转移与聚集产业联系起来,全国各地相继出台了一些新政策,加快推进产业集聚区的建设,甚至制定了一些强制性指标,如每亩项目投资强度和年营业收入、产业协作配套能力、相关企业数目等。这些强制性指标与产业集群内在规律的科学性相一致吗?这些强制性的指标能否完全实现?相关实践是否符合科学理论、现实需求以及未来发展要求?目前国内对这些问题的研究尚不够深入,相关规划对策的系统性、规范性有待提高与完善。基于以上认识,本文在界定了产业转移和产业集聚区的相关概念和内涵、分析了国内外产业转移的发展经验变及其规律后,进一步探讨了国内产业转移面临的新形势与新问题、明确了中部地区在承接产业转移上的动力和阻力,进而提出了中部地区承接产业转移的宏观对策。其次,本文在收集了大量的国内外产业集聚区规划的实践案例基础上,分析了国内外相关产业集聚区规划与建设的经验,通过中国(湖南)轻工业产业园和河南安阳新东产业集聚区的实证研究,进而从宏观层面和微观层面提出了我国产业集聚区规划的相关对策,并对中部地区产业集聚区规划思维的新模式进行了初步的探索,以便我国中部地区在产业转移的重大机遇面前,能够审慎面对与科学判断,逐步提升产业集聚区规划在生态效益、土地集约化利用、产业链形成和产城融合等方面的科学性和预见性,促进产业集聚区在中部地区的良性发展与持续进步。

【Abstract】 At present, the central region of China has become the hot spots which are the transfer of international and the eastern industry. Along with the increasing unbalanced regional economic development and the need of macro-economic development in China, the government is vigorously promoting the development of the central region of China, in order to undertake the transfer of the coastal area industry. In the context of this shift condition, the central region emerge a large number of new modern industrial clustering zone to carry on the industrial transfer, which has its own particularity and the times as comparing to the industrial sections in the past. The current times means the situation that national macro-policy requirements and the emerge of market, such as national macro-control and intensive land use, industrial upgrading, and enhancing independent innovation ability, energy saving and environmental protection; particularity means new modern industrial clustering zone not only has all the features of industrial sections, but also requires targeted to promote the transfer and clustering of industries.Some provinces in China which have linked the transfer of industries with the clustering of industries, introduce some new policies to accelerate the construction of industrial clustering, and even develop a number of mandatory indexes, such as intensity and investment and annual revenue per mu, industry collaboration supporting capacity, the number of other related businesses. Can these mandatory indexes fully achieve? Do these mandatory indexes contrary with the scientific theory of industrial clustering zone? Is related practice in violation of the scientific theory? At present, the research on these issues are relatively immature, the relevant scientific planning strategies need to be improved.Based on the above understanding, first define the related concepts - the industrial transfer and the industrial clustering zone, analyze the experience and evolution of industry transfer both domestic and foreign area, discuss the new situation which the domestic industry transfer is facing, clarify the power and resistance for the central region undertaking the industry transfer, and then propose the macroeconomic policies which the central region carry on the industry transfer. Secondly, based on the cases of a large number of domestic and foreign industrial clustering zone planning practice, this paper analyze the experience of district planning and practice in related industries at home and abroad, propose related countermeasures of industrial clustering zone planning in the macro level and micro level, and then use the practice planning of China (Hunan) Light Industrial Section to test and correct the countermeasures. By combining the theory and practice, this paper further puts forward for a new model of planning theory which is appropriate for the national conditions of China’s industrial clustering zone, and has a promotion for enhancing the eco-efficiency of industrial clustering zone, making land use intensive, forming the industrial chain and production integration in the central region of China under the condition facing the industrial transfer, and has a far-reaching significant impact promoting industrial clustering zone in the benign development in China.


