

Research on the Environmental Design Inside and Outside of Museum Architecture

【作者】 游珊珊

【导师】 辛艺峰;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 设计艺术学, 2011, 硕士


【摘要】 本文从设计艺术学的角度出发,采用学科交叉、文献分析、案例对比和设计实践的研究方法进行探讨,论文分为七个章节来展开研究,其中:第一章绪论:基于博览建筑的研究范畴,着重从现代博览园区展示场馆内外环境设计的子项研究来进行探索,并从课题选题的缘起,目的和意义,研究中相关概念的界定,课题研究现状与文献综述,以及研究范围与方法的确立,论文撰写框架的拟定等方面予以叙述;第二章从博览建筑空间走向博览园区内外环境设计:本章从博览建筑理念的解析,博览建筑的空间构成,以及博览建筑空间的形成、发展、己有成就与未来走势进行归纳,为其后的研究奠定了基础;第三章作为文化建筑与景园空间结合的现代博览园区内外环境设计研究:本章也是论文在理论上探索的重点,通过对博览园区内外环境设计的认识,其博览园区内外环境设计的变迁、展示场馆内外环境设计的类型及其设计的特征进行研究第四章现代博览园区内外环境设计的原则:本章从学科交叉的伸角度,结合设计艺术学、大众传播学与景观设计学的学科特点,总结出现代博览园区展示场馆内外环境设计的原则包括总体布置、平面组合、展示陈列及其持续发展的原则等,它们是设计中尚需遵循的依据;第五章现代博览园区内外环境设计的创作要点:本章从艺术创作及其设计实践的表述入手,对博览园区展示场馆内外环境的意境塑造、空间布局、展示陈列、等创作要点展开研究;第六章现代博览园区内外环境设计的案例剖析:本章结合两年多来的设计创作实践,选择了与其相关又具有特色的黔南荔波世界自然遗产地博览园区展馆民俗文化展示陈列等三个案例,以及2010上海世博会德中同行中展馆及其内外环境设计等案例予以剖析,以在设计创作实践吸取其成功的经验;第七章现代博览园区内外环境设计实践的探索:本章是论文在设计创作实践上探索的重点,通过读研期间完成与课题相关的三个项目的实践,即恩施现代烟草农业清江源区域土苗民族风情博览园区展示场馆内外环境工程设计、淅江杭州西溪湿地博览园区展示场馆内外环境概念设计竞赛与上海世博会德中同行展馆中的“武汉印象”作品的展示陈列设计的探索经验,以对现代博览园区展示场馆内外环境设计创作理论的研讨进行更深层次的阐述;最后是论文的结语,从课题研究取得的成果,设计创作实践的体会及尚待深入研讨的问题对现代博览园区展示场馆内外环境设计课题研究工作的总结。

【Abstract】 From the perspective of art design, using interdisciplinary, literature analysis, case comparison and design of practical research methods, the thesis is divided into seven chapters, including:Chapter one. Introduction: mainly introduced the background, purpose and significance of selecting the topic; related concepts, status and review of the research; scope, methodology and framework of the research, etc.Chapter two: summarized the concept analysis, space composition, the form, development, achievements and the future trend of the expo architecture, which had been underlying its later studies.Chapter three: studied the changes of internal and external environment of modern expo architecture design, types and features of the exhibition pavilion design.Chapter four: the principles of internal and external environment of modern expo architecture design. Combining the characteristic of the subject of art design,mass communication and landscape design, this chapter summarized the principles of internal and external environment of modern expo architecture pavilion design, including: general layout,plane combination, display and the sustainable development principles.Chapter five: the elements of internal and external environment of modern expo architecture design creation. This chapter carried on classify to the artistic shaping, space layout, display, lighting, green configuration, public art setting and guiding designs of internal and external environment of modern expo architecture pavilion.Chapter 6: the case study of internal and external environment of modern expo architecture. In this chapter, three successful cases were explored based on the author’s two-year work experience, including the World Natural Heritage Area in South Guizhou Libo, China and the Germany and China Pavilion of Expo 2010。Chapter 7: A probe into the practice of internal and external environment of modern expo architecture design. This chapter is the focus of the thesis. Three relevant projects were studied, including the design of internal and external environment of Tu-Miao ethnic culture pavilion in modern tobacco culture field in origin for Qingjiang River area Enshi, Conceptual design competition on internal and external environment design of a pavilion in Hangzhou Xixi National Wetland Park and Wuhan Impression in the Germany and China Pavilion of Expo 2010 .The conclusion of the thesis included some achievements, experiences, summaries and problems to be solved in this area.


