

Study on the Terrain Shadow Influencing on the Lunar Surface Brightness Temperature

【作者】 胡小波

【导师】 郭伟; 黄全亮;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电磁场与微波技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 嫦娥一号(CE-1)探月卫星利用搭载的微波探测仪测量月球微波辐射亮度温度(亮温),反演月壤厚度,进一步估算月球氦3的含量,这是我国绕月探测工程的四大科学目标之一。为了从CE-1测量的月表微波亮温数据中反演月壤厚度,国内学者建立了多种月表的微波亮温模型,这些模型考虑了月壤的分层结构、月壤的物理温度分布和铁钛含量这些主要因素对亮温的影响。本文从全月模拟转向局部、特定区域的亮度温度特性研究,除了考虑前面提及的一些主要因素对亮温的影响外,主要研究沿卫星顺轨方向光学图像的亮度与微波亮度温度的相关性,进而引出月球表面地形(例如环形山、撞击坑的阴影遮挡)对亮度温度的影响,简单地将光学图像二值化来划分该区域的光亮部分与阴暗部分,由于这两部分的物理温度有很大的差异性,本文通过引入灰度梯度将阴影的影响引入到三层传输模型中,结合微波探测仪的实测数据规律提出了一种剔除阴影对亮度温度影响的计算模型,为改进月表微波辐射亮度温度模型以及月壤厚度反演提供参考。

【Abstract】 Recently interest in remote sensing with microwave sensors has attracted attention to the China’s lunar exploration project. As one of the four scientific objectives of Chang’E Lunar Orbite (CE-1), inversion of the thickness of lunar regolith, which is derived from the microwave brightness-temperature (TB) measurements of the entire lunar surface, is the highlight of our lunar exploration. And then, surveying the global evaluation of 3He content is another purpose of further. Many theoretical models have been developed to simulate the scientific sensed data obtained form spaceborne radiometers. These physical model results and data have manifested the passive sensors are sensitive to these parameters: the lunar regolith layer thickness and its stratified structures, lunar surface and subsurface temperatures, and FeO+TiO2 content.In the paper, the specific variation of TB on some certain districts are researched, in combination with optical image information, taking the influence of rough surface shadowing into account including the parameters mentioned earlier. Using image binaryzation, the given region is simply divided into two parts: areas of high brightness and areas of low brightness. This shadowing effect can be incorporated into the three-layer model by introducting CCD gray gradient in this study. We wish to demonstrate that the level of work necessary to incorporate optical shadowing into these models is justified by potential benefits and take some initial steps toward its realization.

  • 【分类号】P184.5
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】60

