

A Research on the Sample Technology of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle

【作者】 杨剑涛

【导师】 徐国华;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 轮机工程, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 海洋资源是我国实施可持续发展战略的重要物质基础。勘察海底地质结构,进行地质学研究,或者对海底资源进行勘探和利用,都必须对海底沉积物进行采样以及分析研究。只有掌握了原始的海洋资源的信息和数据,才能更加有效和合理的利用海洋资源。目前,海底采样主要依赖各种大型考察船及其携带的液压抓斗和管状取样器来进行,采样作业工程浩大。小型化,便利型,经济型的采样系统将会越来越受到重视。AUV是深海潜水器的重要成员,也称水下机器人,广泛应用在海底勘探,海底能源开发等个个方面。将采样系统搭载在AUV上进行的自主采样作业,既是对海底采样进行的小型化,商业化,创新性研究,也是扩展AUV作业能力的一项非常有益的研究课题。本文结合“十一五”XX重点预研项目“水下无人实验系统集成和性能评估技术——水下自救与取样作业技术”,从以下几个方面作了详细的论述及研究:(1)研究了当前国内外海底采样技术的发展状况,针对当前海底采样工程浩大的现状,对AUV深海采样的重要性和可行性进行探讨和研究。(2)针对水下机器人自主采样系统的特定要求,在小型化,低功耗,可靠性等方面进行了分析和研究。并完成系统方案的设计。(3)对采样系统的结构设计,采样方式作深入研究。包括重力采样抓斗研制,缆绳的选取以及水下绞车的研制。(4)对采样系统的控制部分作深入研究。海底的环境是相当恶劣的,采样系统控制器须根据AUV自身的横倾,纵倾度,以及当前浪流的大小判断是否采样或者停止采样。同时,绞车对抓斗的控制必须稳定可靠,以完成采样过程。(5)采样系统研制完成后,在实验室,水池进行了大量试验,并参加了2次海试,证明其研制是成功的。最后,简要总结了水下机器人自主采样系统研究的内容和取得的成果,作为预研课题,为解决系统的小型化和自主作业问题提供一些创新性和可行性的方法。同时也总结出了一些需要改善的地方,对后续的研究和改进提出了一些建议。

【Abstract】 Marine resource is an important material basis for our country’s sustainable development strategy. Before we explore the geological structure or the resources of the seabed, we need conduct sampling and research on the seabed sediment. In order to carry out exploration of seabed resources, or submarine geological structure survey for geological studies, we have to carry out sample and research for marine sediment. In order to make full use of marine resources, we must know the original information and data of marine resources. At present, seabed sampling mainly depends on hydraulic grab and tube sampler on the large research ships. It is a huge project. Small, convenient, economical sampling system will be paid more and more attention.AUV is an important member of the Deep-sea robot family. It has been widely used in undersea exploration and energy development. The sampling system is equipped on the AUV. The system is a small, innovative research for seabed sampling. It is also a very useful research topic of AUV operational capacity expansion. The paper makes a detail discuss and research in the following aspects:(1) The paper researches the current development of seabed sampling inside and outside, it aims at the current status of seabed sampling which need a lot of work, and make a exploration and study for the importance of sampling.(2) It focuses on the specific requirements of sampling system for autonomous underwater vehicles, including small, low power consumption and reliability. And we fulfill the system design of scheme, development, debugging and upswing.(3) The paper makes a deeply research of sampling methods, mechanical design., including studies of gravity grab samples ,underwater winches, cables and the experiment of its strength.(4) The paper makes a deeply research for the control part of the sampling system. The sea environment is very bad, the grab’s control of winch, and the heel, trim levels, and the size of the flow all have a very success significant impact to the sampling. The reasonable and effective control is the key to the success of sampling.(5) After the development of sampling system, we carry out a large number of labs, pool and ocean experiments, and the system took part in two sea trials, and the system has been proved to be a successful system.Finally, we make a brief summary of the sampling system of autonomous underwater robots and the harvest. As a pre-research project, the paper provides some innovative and feasible approaches. Meanwhile, we summed up some areas for improvement, and give some suggestions to the follow-up researches.


