

Research on Signal Processing Unit of Optical Voltage Transformer

【作者】 汤笛

【导师】 肖霞;

【作者基本信息】 华中科技大学 , 电气信息检测技术, 2011, 硕士

【摘要】 电力工业在国民经济发展中占有举足轻重的地位,它与国家经济建设,人民日常生活、社会稳定和谐息息相关。近几年来,智能电网的构建、电压等级的不断提高,传统的互感器已经不能再适应现代电力系统的发展需要,迫切需要一种质优的新型互感器取而代之。光学电压互感器(OVT)是电子式电压互感器(EVT)的一个重要的发展方向。目前,国内外已对其进行了大量研究,有一些产品已经问世并投入到电网中运行。本文在以上工作基础之上进一步针对一种新型OVT信号处理部分进行了研究,根据课题要求,设计了一套OVT的信号处理与数据采集系统。本文介绍了基于Pockels效应的传感原理,并结合该原理进一步分析了新型光学电压传感器(OVS)的结构和优点。针对这种新型OVS,以IEC电子式电压互感器标准为设计依据,设计了两套完整的OVT信号处理方案并进行了比较,阐述了两者的优劣,根据实际情况和课题要求,选择了最合适的方案。对系统中包含的主要部分:光源及其驱动电路、光电变换电路、交流通道和直流通道、数据采集系统和合并单元接口进行较为详细的分析并进行了系统实验。另外,本文还对光电信号噪声及应对措施、电路单元的温度稳定性、电磁兼容和电磁防护等进行了研究。本文对整个OVT的信号处理部分进行了试验,对试验的结果进行了分析和总结,并且提出了OVT的信号处理部分仍需进一步完善的不足之处。

【Abstract】 As the development of economic construction, the electrical power industry is more significance. Economic construction of the nation, daily life of people, sableness and harmony of society are bound up with electrical power industry. Recently, as the upgrading of voltage class and the construction of Smart Grid, a novel transformer with high quarlity is imminently needed to instead of the conventional voltage transformer which will not satisfy voltage measurement in modern electrical power system.Optical voltage transformer(OVT) is a significant approach of electrical voltage transformer(EVT). Many countries have been down a great many study on it .What is more, there are serveral product has been developed and used in practice. On the base of these study, this thesis is dedecated to the reaserch of signal processing unit of OVT and has designed a noval system for signal processing and data acquisition.The structure and advantage of the noval optical voltage sensor(OVS) are analyzed base on the basic principle: Pockels effect. From IEC standards on EVTs, on the base of the noval OVS, two different kinds of schemes of signal processing has been introduced and compared in this thesis . Then the fittest one has been chosen as required. The mainly parts of the system—optic-electric conversion circuit, AC channel, DC channel, data acquisition system, interface of Merging Unit, light source—are analysed in detail and the system test has been down. What is more, study on several issues—such as the noise of optic-electric convension circuit, the sableness of some circuit unit when temperature changed and electro-magnetic compatibility are down also.Finally, the signal processing unit of OVT has been tested and the thesis put forward the issues to be further reasearch in signal processing unit of OVT .

  • 【分类号】TM451.6
  • 【下载频次】114

